Stupid shit you see on Facebook

These are the same people who thought you could charge your phone by microwaving it.

Hopefully some of those people are bots without brains.

Local news affiliate covered the independent autopsy for Stefon and the lovely denizens of SW Ohio came out of the woodwork with their white privilege on full display (but don’t dare tell them they’re being racist). One jag-off in particular couldn’t get over the demographics showing that black men are close to 3x more likely to be shot by police than whites because FBI stats show more whites are shot every year and I’m too entrenched in my Soros money to care to admit to facts. His closing argument was if my demographics were accurate, more whites would be in prison.

My closing line was, “This right here is why Trump won.”

The neighbor kid who grew up on the farm behind my parents old house. Classy as fuck.

By Jove, I think we’ve found ourselves the next White House Communications Director.

I wish I could blame his shitty personality on being repeatedly struck in the head in high school football, but he’s always been a smallminded prick since at least 1st grade. You’re welcome for the homework help, jackoff :)

I know the right likes to blame the fall off in football viewing on Kapernick but I think from being involved in football forums there are just as many people who think like your friend there. Somehow in caring about players health the NFL has become weak and less of a man’s sport. All the rules protecting players proves that to them. It is as though generations raised on the violent sport are pissed off that someone may actually think some of that violence could be avoided.

If u don’t enjoy a little CTE, shave ur beard.

On the other side, there are definitely people who have toned down their viewing/enthusiasm because they don’t want to be party to the brain damage that it’s clear is happening.

The CTE issue seems like a huge losing issue for the NFL, and their head in the sand handling of it is really unfortunate in so many ways.

To be fair, you Americans are doing rugby wrong. Why all the padding?

One argument about football equipment is that the helmet actually encouraged leading with the head or targeting the head.

Wait, is that a real thing? Or is that an ironic kind of thing? I’m assuming the latter, but… well, 2018 and all.

Oxygen is carcinogenic, I think.

“The only thing worse than breathing is not breathing.” – Oscar Wilde

It may be the latter but past experience says a bunch of people will belive it.

Snorting condoms. Eating Tide pods. President Shitgibbon. Hard to tell these days

Technically YouTube but I saw it on Facebook, and it’s fucking stupid.

I have no idea what that ship is, assuming it’s supposed to be something I recognize.
I imagine maximum irony would suggest it’s the St. Louis or something.

Time truly is a flat circle.

In the 1750s, the United States of America was not yet a country, but its trouble with immigrants already had begun.

People of non-WASP (white Anglo-Saxon Protestant) descent were crossing the ocean to start new lives in the new world, and earlier Colonial settlers were none too happy about it. Among them, with ferocious conviction, was Benjamin Franklin, noted inventor, eventual American founding father—and hater of Germans.

In writings from that decade, Franklin shared his concerns about the Germans:

They weren’t as smart as the people already living in the colonies.

“Those who come hither are generally of the most ignorant Stupid Sort of their own Nation.”

They were unable to adapt to the local values.

“Not being used to Liberty, they know not how to make a modest use of it.”

They were endangering New England’s whiteness.

“[T]he Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted.”

In short, they were not to be liberally admitted to Pennsylvania, because as Franklin argued, “Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.”