Stupid shit you see on Facebook

Ironically (?), the fact that raspberries are misidentified as cherries is enraging my nerves.

“Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.”
– Mark Twain

I don’t know if I can really take one side or the other in this raspberry/cherry thing. Both fruits are the same, they both do it.

No, that group was always out there. Now they just have places like Facebook to get together, instead of neighborhood bonfires and cross burnings.

Yes, but now they are emboldened, public in ways they weren’t before.

Very fine fruits on both sides, on both sides.

To you I prescribe carrots to help your eyesight and inflammatory response.

edit: Nope, I’m the one that needs the carrots. Ok I see.

You know, people keep saying that and I wonder if it is just that they are becoming like everyone else, more social media users who care less about what others see.

The implication is that if in 2020 Trump loses they will all crawl back under their rocks and not be heard from again, but I think it’s kinda like police shootings and violence, things just become public now so much easier do to video and social media.

And if they do just go back under their rocks, it doesn’t mean they aren’t out there someplace.

Perhaps some lovely oranges will help your skin recover from that sick burn.

I am sure there are some essential oils for that.

Heh. It’s a tricky one.

I invite you all to enjoy this little Facebook drama with me. Names that aren’t mine hidden because I prefer to protect privacy even when it’s not strictly necessary.

The whole thing started when one of the folks in the same orbit as my very conservative, evangelical Christian parents shared that Sec. Nielsen press conference where she denied that there was a policy of border family separation. Cue the comments:

Now, I’ve been trying to stay out of political stuff on Facebook. I’m pretty much on there solely to keep up with my family, who use it a lot more than me. But I was feeling particularly stupid, and besides I’d had a discussion not long ago with a friend about how we’d never make any headway in turning some Trump supporters if we never tried. I know the chances of me finding one of those is damn small, but I believe it’s not zero.

Welp, I certainly didn’t find of those elusive turnables this time! Complete denial. And just to make it even better, the next reply:

I still think it was a good idea to make those comments, because even if the person replying is hopeless, maybe someone reading (but not replying) actually learned some of the truth.

The workers in those Russian troll factories must continually chuckle to themselves about how easy their job is.

Thanks for fighting the good fight. I think it does help to oppose the stupidity. Too bad there are probably hundreds of thousands of threads like this.

I curtailed my FB participation b/c I couldn’t stand how much I had to white-knight. It’s a never ending job and all it did was make me feel less of the relatives & friends that spouted this BS. kudos to you for continuing the fight!

But in all honesty, the common thread among all these idiiots? They always lead off with a meme picture. They can’t just have a conversation. The russian troll factory does indeed have an easy job.

Yes this is one reason among many I quit facebook. Because if I was on there, I would be compelled to challenge the bullshit. And I guarantee they would not respond well to having their bullshit challenged at all.

They do not! But it’s sort of fun to blow away lifelong friendships after you realize today people went into the military, developed alcoholism and took a liking to beating up Japanese civilians in the downtime, and became SUPER racist somewhere along the way.

Oh, I made myself sad.

Not Facebook, but this past Christmas (2016) we host family at our house like we do. I had to sit there and listen to my brother-in-law talk about how Hillary’s best friend is an avowed Satanist active in the Church of Satan, and how the UN’s prayer room was dedicated to the gods of the Earth versus the Christian God. My wife was shooting me daggers to not engage,

Some idiot of a friend, in response to her posting something about how we’re lucky to have been born in the US, therefore should treat those less fortunate more kindly, etc:

Damn, they come to your house and spout shit like that? I couldn’t have taken that level of insanity.