Stupid shit you see on Facebook

In 1996 your parents didn’t know what the internet was.


I am old remember, I know everyone’s parents.

Hell, I’m so old I know Scuzz’s parents. Nice folks.

My mom started sharing Turning Point memes that are 100% false and other stupid crap like this:

What does that even mean? We don’t give illegals anything. So it’s hardly taking it from Vets to give them the nothing we don’t give them. Also the GOP isn’t exactly doing a fucking thing to help Vets anyway, quite the opposite.

So now my daily job is to berate her on Facebook apparently.

@ShivaX maybe it’s a start point to get people onside, from a fairly inoffensive assertion, onto more radical stuff.

I mean, no-one is going to argue illegals should get preferential treatment over veterans.

Implicit in that is the suggestion that illegals already do.

And to back that up all one has to do is find n example of an illegal being helped in some way, and a veteran not being helped.

Objective facts don’t mean much here.

Once you have someone onboard saying the rather reasonable statement of “vets before illegals,” and have them believing vets are being maltreated, I imagine it’s not a big step to get to “government should do more for vets,” (again a reasonable statement in and of itself) and “gov’t should do less for illegals,” (we’re starting to stray here :) and then onto, eventually, "gov’t should ship all illegals back!!

It’s the context around it that is worrying, precisely because all of that cannot be communicated by an easily shared meme.

I’m sure that’s what it is, since that’s how these things work.

Honestly Facebook “groups” are a plague. Trump and The Great America is one that came up.
I mean, that screams foreign organization since no one in American history has referred to America as “The Great America”. Half their posts are selling Trump coins and hats. The rest are race baiting shit and claiming liberals are traitors for believing in the rule of law.

Glad I left FB!

It means the homeless guy on the corner holds up a sign that says he’s a vet, while we let the children of illegal immigrants sleep in nice warm comfy cages and give them 3 squares a day, all on the taxpayer dime. Therefore, immigrants are being placed before vets by the libtards running this country.

Or something.

I was really confused until I took a second look at what thread I was in.

desecrating = kneeling

got it.

black = bad

got that too.

Oh wow.

Fuck me.

But that’s not racism right, this is where someone tell me it’s just Republicans or Trump supporters and that somehow makes it different?

Could be? It’s not clear to me whether that graphic was intended to be a racist statement (black people == dogs) or to point out Trump’s racism (other presidents have dogs that they love, Trump calls black people dogs).

See, I initially read it that way too. But then I thought, that’s a really stupid way to make that point. Occam’s razor points directly towards some racist dipshit putting that together.