Stupid shit you see on Facebook

Stupid shit you see on facebook? More like the greatest advertisement of all time!

That’s the smell of FREY.

There is no smell of an understanding boyfriend. Only the smell of a crafty, patient young male trying to get into someone’s pants.

Or one currently occupied with his video games and just agrees to whatever you’re saying without listening.

This form of overt sexism WILL NOT STAND.

That quote was taken out of context, but the truth is that any of us who have ever ignored the FREY stories, or ever believed that he was setup by the system (as laundry detergents often are) were doing so at the detriment of fabric softeners and color-safe bleach.

I apologize to all of the survivors for washing with FREY and for taking this long to speak out.

Of course “Lillian” isn’t violating any ToS or anything and everything is fine. Because Facebook.

Ah yes, the classic bad photoshop job that only a white, 50+, racist, rabid FOX News and Conservative radio consumer would fall for, because of course newly elected minority congresswomen would pose for a picture with that stuff in the background. It makes PERFECT sense!

Redistribution of such garbage on social media should be grounds for immediate banning from all platforms. Sorry Grandma, guess you won’t get to see the kids birthday pictures because you couldn’t stop reposting obvious shitty political hack content on your Facebook feed.

Is that a Russian page?

It supposedly some woman in like Indiana or whatever.

Odds are good it’s a Russian page, it’s all fake shit designed to make conservatives angry.

Link no longer accessible. Looks like it’s either been deleted or made private.

Maybe my report of Fake News actually worked.

Ok, that’s actually pretty funny.

Too much wood. It’ll destroy the rain forest.

They got so close

Sort of a tangent but related. A Twitter account was created that crops image macros and memes Boomers love sharing to alter the meaning.

I love cropped boomer images.