Stupid shit you see on Facebook

I mean, I’m a left-winger who’s filled right up to the brim with hate! Why, it constantly threatens to bubble over into a seething jeremiad of disconnected, barely sensible rage and vitriol!


People who want to bubble up and seethe can do so online as easily as they can watching TV. A new ‘fairness doctrine’ would just drive people toward their computers instead of the TV.

In the words of Trump, “SAD!”

Exactly, the notion of a fairness doctrine is silly. We no longer have only 3 TV channels.
People need to WANT to encounter different ideas. You aren’t going to be able to somehow legislate open-mindedness.

Wow, that was just gross.

Why I don’t use Facebook these days. Far too many relatives and people I’ve known for years saying this kind of heinous shit.

Seriously. Finding a reasonable conservative to debate on facts and issues is pretty tough, but throw a rock at my Facebook friends list, any news article on the web, or anywhere on twitter and you’ll hit 20 conspiracy theory nutbags shouting alt-right bullshit. It’s like Rush Limbaugh isn’t stupid enough and now Alex Jones is the only one that can get any traction.

I used to have a good friend who was a staunch conservative that I could have calm, sensible, intelligent debates/discussions with. We didn’t always agree (in fact, in most cases we didn’t), but there was always a genuine exchange of ideas and we respected where each other was coming from.

Unfortunately, about ten or so years ago he jumped headlong into the ultra-Right end of the Mormon pool and his wife no longer allowed him to discuss such heresy. When I spoke to his brother last, it sounded like he’s laced up his boots and is marching to the xenophobic reactionary tune these days.

As Trump would say: sad.

Scott Adams is having a day. First, from his blog, he posted:

Then he posted this gem on Twitter:

If experience is necessary for being president, name a political topic I can't master in one hour under the tutelage of top experts.

— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) July 28, 2016

Which is now getting him roasted by various internet luminaries like James Fallows and Bill Kristol of all people.

Scott Adams the Dilbert guy?

The very same…he’s quite, uh, special.

That’s a weird thing to say when he already posted that he’s endorsed Clinton. But I guess it’s kind of a half-hearted endorsement at best.

Some random dude on a local news affiliate was wearing his Christianity on his sleeve while spouting off his support of Donald Trump, with the icing on the cake being calling Hillary the Butcher of Benghazi immediately after saying how Americans need to learn how to have more civil political discussions.

Scott Adams is a crazy fucking loon. I’ve decided, by and large, it’s never a good idea to read about the politics of the people creating your favorite art (e.g. Orson Scott Card)–rather, choose to hate them on the the merits or lack thereof of their work (e.g. Orson Scott Card.)

The Dems are America. The GOP is a bunch of scared, old, white men afraid of losing their grip on their fellow citizens.

You haven’t experienced Scott Adams until you have grokked his stance on v-neck sweaters.

Check out this commercial for dishwasher detergent. And take careful note of the American man’s v-neck sweater. That’s the uniform of a man who is owned by a woman.

You’re laughing because you know it’s true. How many of the married men reading this blog have received those same sweaters as “gifts” from women? Personally, I’ve received about 25 over the years. None from men. I received three of those sweaters so far this year. I throw them away. Nice try.

I feel sad for him about how insecure he is

I showed that to my wife, and now she wants to organize a trolling campaign to mail v-neck sweaters to Scott Adams.

He just throws those away. Nice try.

(ye gods, what a knob he is)

Which is really funny, because, legitimately he is a funny man. Dilbert is/has been great, and actually has a female character while trope-y, as a comic strip character tends to be, is funny and obviously a smart engineer.

His blogs n such, really just kind of poke at how he is not funny outside of 3-4 panels.

RE: V-necks
It is obvious the joke that he is making, which is not really offensive, is just… lame. Maybe offensively lame? Yeah, v-necks are trendy and lame, and only the love for one’s significant other would cause them to put on such a lame shirt. I honestly think that the man just doesn’t understand what is funny and what isn’t. The way that he words things are so tact-less. Like, clearly he is a smart guy, he just has bad opinions? He just says things in such a grating way.

He is that guy that tells some great jokes, that you meet at a party, and you are like, this guy is fun! We should have him around more! And then he goes into a 20 minute rant about how much this country has lost going off of the gold standard, and you realize that he is insufferable, as well as being funny.

“We been sleeping with the enemy for almost 8 yrs and he has had the best undercover ever being our president and I do believe his finally is yet to come,only time will tell”