Stupid shit you see on Facebook

Yes, but only one from the top-secret Vagenda of Manocide team.

In response to the prompt: “Describe Donald Trump in two words.”

I’m not Canadian, but I’m most appalled by the insult of Trudeau.

I guess that insult pretty clearly illustrates the difference in perception and outlook on life and the future. I see Trudeau as a man to be inspired by, someone I envy Canada for. Makes the Country even more awesome. But to others like her the future that he shows, and I want to live in, scares the shit out of them. I can`t even begin to fathom why, and it saddens me to no end. We could be so much farther as humanity as a whole if we could have turned it around and left the backward and inward facing politics behind us. I had such high hope when Obama got elected, and the Republicans and others of their ilk world wide managed to turn the world into a shit show instead. Canada is currently pretty much the only country giving me hope for the future and makes me want to fight back harder.

Well, I voted for Trudeau, but I don’t see him as some kind of light among nations. Sometimes it just feels like he’s out of his depth. I’d trade him away for Obama pretty quickly, though I have complaints about Obama as well.

If the US turns into a Mexico, Cuba, or Greece we would have a much better food heritage than the average American cuisine.

Just live in a city right in between where all the Mexicans, Hmong, Somalis, and African Americans settled. Works for me!

Are you up in Minnesota somewhere? I’ve got a couple of Hmong friends that have moved here from that area and they desperately want to move back (mainly because they miss the home cooking!).

The thing happening right now among my racist deplorable aunts and cousins is they post Beyonce lyrics and then contrast them to what Trump said. Then they call Michelle Obama a turd, a man, the Obama girls strippers, and so on. This is all sandwiched around memes about Jesus and memes about how great guns are. They aren’t even good memes, they’re really cringeworthy.

It takes a lot of will power to not wade in there and say shit. I know all I’ll do is make myself angrier and embolden them.

Yep! Tons of Hmong settled here. Good stuff.

I think the word you’re looking for is racist. I consider that stronger than cringeworthy. If you call these things racists, that group goes completely unhinged too. And I call my FB group, the very very vew pushing Trump, on that kind of shit too. I don’t care if I do lose that relationship. If they’re a hidden racist, I don’t need them.

For awhile we had the largest Hmong population in the US here, but I think someplace in Minnesota does now. Why would they go to Minnesota?

I hit this point this cycle. I’m fed up with the blatant racist shit and stupidity and started just unfriending people.
The only awkward ones are family really, but I’ve more than made myself clear on it.

Minnesota always had a strong Hmong population.

I’m close to doing that, and cutting them out of my life entirely. But, if I do, aren’t I just creating my own echo chamber? That’s what I’m worried about. Is there still value in knowing what people’s opinions are, even if those opinions are abhorrent? What if they’re family?

Always in this context meaning “since the 1970s.” (Being an old fart. I remember when the Hmong arrived in the Upper Midwest as refugees in the wake of the Vietnam war.)

Yeah, we have a substantial population of refugees from various parts of Africa in Burlington, VT, which is, shall we say, a climatological contrast for them. But we’re proud and happy to welcome them. Anyone who can stand the winters here is good by us.

Yeah, I lived in Stevens Point WI for a while. Lots of Hmong settled there when they fled Vietnam.

The Fresno Hmong community, along with that of Minneapolis/St. Paul, is one of the largest two urban U.S. Hmong communities. As of 1993 the Hmong were the largest Southeast Asian ethnic group in Fresno. As of 2010, there are 24,328 people of Hmong descent living in Fresno, making up 4.9% of the city’s population.

I didn’t realize the Minneapolis area had nearly twice as many. While the Hmong have been a wonderful addition to the area, we are now starting to see Hmong gangs added to all the other gangs in the area.

Out of curiosity I checked another source and as of 2015 they list 32k Hmong, and say Fresno is second in the country to Minneapolis.

If they are family, you can still call and talk about non-political things. I’ve never even visited facebook, and (apparently?) get along just fine. And I can avoid reading how loopy/racist/whatever my family may be. And it prevents me from posting/replying something I’ll regret.