Subnautica - SCUBA, Unknown Worlds, drowning

Wow. I really enjoyed my one playthrough but can’t imagine going back. Is there that much difference in a run?

FYI, punching with the regular claw arm (surprisingly) does more damage per time than the drill.

I just want to build more bases. But so many other games in my backlog.

There is not really any difference in runs except where you start. That being said I’ve also run through the game a couple of times, because even though you know whats out there on your follow up play through, you still respect it… and some of it still terrifies you =)

Gotcha. I’m not much of a digital legos person, but I can see how that would be an appealing building set. Isn’t having to re-unlock everything kind of a pain, though?

For just fiddling around with base-building, I’d probably do a Creative game. Everything unlocked and infinite resources.

smacks head

Right, totally forgot that was a thing.

I’ve done a story-mode run through about 3 1/2 times. There -can- be minor changes but they are slight, mostly regarding the Sunbeam. And besides hardcore mode there are also folks that have done speed runs.

I just enjoy the game and the experience. Each play through I know just a little bit more or remember locations just a little better.

I am STILL finding new things that I’ve never seen before. I think it was on my 3rd or 4th playthrough I found “Sanctuary Beta” and looked it up. Turns out there are 4 of these sites scattered in really strange places.

I do things differently. This time for example, I’m not using the Cyclops at all. I had to build it for the shield, but it’s just sitting parked.

I’m also not hoarding minerals (something inside me wants a full locker of EVERYTHING on typical playthroughs).

I think there is a mod that ups the minerals required considerably. I might try that next.

I played modded one run-through and there was a fantastic mod that let you pull from nearby containers when crafting things. It saved a ton of back and forth time hunting for items in your base.

Seems like that should be a feature of the base game. Likewise if I need A but A is made from B and C, just tell me I need B and C :/

Yeah, I found those on my first run. Alpha confused the hell out of me, since it’s in Lost River and I thought it was the location the main plot had been telling me to reach.

That would definitely make the crafting less fiddly!

Hmmm, are you thinking of the exits/entrances from the large leviathan base at 1400m? Because the sanctuary sites I’m talking about aren’t on the lost river. These are small enclaves with several ion cubes in them.

EDIT: oh, you’re talking about the one you need the orange tablet to gain access I believe.

Technically it’s in the Blood Kelp, but the area immediately around it is like a “micro” Lost River in appaearance. It’s definitely one of the sanctuary sites, I looked it up at the time after getting thoroughly confused.

If you decide to mod, this is one area where Nexus mods shines, since there is no Steam Workshop for Subnautica. :(

And here is the full Subnautica mod list:

If you like the crafting mod, consider the auto-sort lockers mod as well.

I can’t see replaying the original, but if they port this stuff over the Below Zero I’m so there.

So with all this talk, I replayed this recently and then I thought to myself, " could I do a complete run in 6 hours but still using many of the creature comforts - seamoth, prawn, etc?". So then I started up a spreadsheet on how I’d go about it - and then do a test run to see how to find things / etc.

This isn’t a speed run (those guys are remarkable!) to compete. This is just for my own edification.

Despite more than a few ALT-F4’s to restart when I colossally screwed up (got down to the blue tree in my prawn and it started to groan because I hadn’t made / installed the MK1 depth module - despite having the vehicle mod station in my moon pool), I did manage to hit 6hrs 37 min on my first try.

So now I’m gearing up to give it another whirl - not in one session (I’ll save periodically to take breaks) but I need to re-scout and take some notes on how to improve before I start.

Has anyone else tried to go through fast?

I fiddled around with this a few times, and was something I considered really putting some time into to figure out, then I watched a few speed runs and that sort of cured it for me lol.

Oh my god I’m free at last. 60 hours :/

Congrats man!

Woot! Now about your bill…