
Agreed. I just hope they end it on their terms. It has to end at some point.

I have not watched much of the last three seasons. I got tired of it, and with the ability to go back and see it when I feel like it, there hasn’t been any urgency.

I’m mostly tired of the portentous season-long story arcs. I like the one-offs. I’d like a season-long story that wasn’t about the end of the world unless the boys come through. How about they simply spend the season hunting for a bad monster, say a vampire or werewolf, that’s moving about the country on a killing spree? Anything different.

All that said, I hope they keep going for some time to come. I wouldn’t mind them doing some TV movies or shortening the season from the 22 episodes down to 12 or so.

My wife stopped watching for the same reason: she wants more monster-of-the-week and fewer mytharcs.

I felt the same way. I find I don’t mind it as much when I binge watch the whole season on Netflix. It doesn’t take as long, and then the whole thing feels like a really long episode anyway.

So, wait, some of you guys want this to be less serialized? Did you enjoy Agents of Shield’s first half of season 1 and then not like it after that?

The format of Supernatural is vastly different. Because it’s a roadshow, it’s really pleasurable when the boys pick up an interesting case, and has allowed the show to explore various genres. They’ve done MotW comedies, MotW horror, MotW found footage, and more. In the last few seasons, they’ve generally introduced fewer and fewer new monsters, and mostly just started retreading old ground, and placed a heavier burden on the seasonal arc, which had started (until this season a bit) to heavily revolve around only a few characters. This from a show that initially tried its hardest to really only focus on the boys, with a couple characters that found their way back from time to time.

They’ve been like “this” more than they’ve been like “that”, though, since the balance shifted somewhat in the fifth season, and almost entirely after the sixth season (which we all agreed to forget about). But we all pine for those earlier days.

I totally get it, the core of the show is the road trip. I don’t mind the mix they’ve come to in these later seasons, as you can’t just keep doing the same thing repeatedly. Stakes have to be raised and all that.

While we wait for the new season, if you aren’t familiar with the Hillywood’s Supernatural parody…

Okay, that was way too long, but the pay off was worth it.

I highly suspect that the show wouldn’t still be around if it were less serialized. There’s only so much you can do with creature of the week. It takes serialization to drive a show for as long as Supernatural has been on.

Serialization is the best. It’s what made Stargate Atlantis slightly better than Stargate

Supernatural has shown you can have both a serial story line and one-offs. I’d like to see more one-offs and a serial line that wasn’t end of the world stuff.

I love arcs, but I agree that the the need to up the ante everytime.

New one.

Both Jared and Jensen said they could keep doing more episodes. I am not sure how much new material the writers can come up with.

Wait, I thought this upcoming season was the last because they were the ones that said they were done?

Maybe not? Hard to say for sure thought.

Yeah, there’s no clear answer as to whether season 14 is it.

Since around season 5, every season of Supernatural is like a Rolling Stones tour. It always seems like its going to be the last one but it never is.

That was the series highlight, but they’ve put out a lot of great episodes since.

I just wish they could abandon the idea that every season story-arc needs to be about saving the world, though granted I haven’t watched the last couple of seasons. Maybe they have gotten away from that.