SVP and Russillo

It’s the kind of thing you try to encourage people to seek treatment for, not fire, if you can.

This kind of stuff happened to Robert Downey Jr. and now look at him!

I am guessing he will be suspended or just take some “time off”. ESPN is still running promos for his show. I would think if a decision to dump him had been made they would have replaced those.

Yeah I don’t think he will be fired. He is pretty popular and big picture…what is this really? He was on vacation and walked into the wrong house/room. I’ve been drunk before and tried to enter the wrong hotel room. Key card doesn’t work, clues you in pretty fast that you are at the wrong door. Maybe he had a condo or whatever nearby and just tried the wrong door that happened to be open.

My guess is a week suspension without pay or something like that.