Swollen foot in France

Sounds like you’ve isolated the shoes out of the equation at that point. But hopefully you find the cause. Good luck, man!

Now that we know you aren’t about to die, I’ll give the response I’ve been waiting on:

Have you tried drilling holes in it?

No no! Gnaw on it. Duh.

Oh cripes, thanks for posting that Rich. That was 4 years before I got here so I had not seen it. I’m laughing.

It starts there, and just goes on…

Y’know, I recognize some of those other names too, and it’s sad not to seem them here any more.
What a bunch of characters.

Depending what’s in it, perhaps it would be good to make some syrup from the drippings?

And people wonder why I won’t go near the “things that are technically food but you should never eat” thread.

You’re OK here because my foot juice isn’t technically food!

My left leg has been going numb when standing since november.

No pain, just numb light I slept on it. particularly the top of the foot.

Nobody knows what this is. In may earliest I could see a neurologist is in late July. No blood vessel issues, EMG normal, MRI normal.

I am probably dying. Anyone have any ideas? Because my doctors certainly can’t figure it out.


Oh really?

Warning: The following article is NSFW. NSFL. It also has pictures. You probably don’t want to click on the link.

That doesn’t make me hungry. You should have posted that before I had my chips.

I see what you’re doing there. I’m not clicking that link.

Smart move.

Sometimes you just gotta say…What the hell.
I’m going in.


[comes out, waving arms wildly]

“Don’t go in there. He’s won. He’s won.”

Jesus, @RichVR I didn’t think they’d show the real photos. I mean, I first got there, and there was an X-Ray. Okay fine. I can deal with that.

And some guy making tacos.

Okay fine. A symbolic reference photo.

Read the article. More photos. Then it dawned on me about the tacos.
And then the funeral photo.

Don’t go in there. @RichVR has won.



Also, I love how they blurred out just the middle section of the actual foot.

I repeat, “Don’t anybody else go lookin’!”
