Tabletop Simulator - Chess, backgammon, cards, miniatures

In Steam, go to the TTS community hub, click on the workshop tab, and then you can browse all the modules that are available.

Couldn’t pass up price on Humble Store.

Can I get an invite to the group?

Forum effect got me too - I’d be interested in an invite too - Pyperkub on Steam

I succumbed to the forum effect as well. Anyone spotted any generic miniatures modules? This thing seems ideal for some Bolt Action or De Bellis Antiquitatis action.

Amazing program. Thanks Vorm for the program tutorial. I’m ready to jump into some gaming. Tomorrow evening maybe?

I haven’t seen many miniature modules useful for the miniature wargaming crowd yet. There’s a decent number of fantasy roleplay mini’s from various modules including 3d models, cardboard standee style, and tokens with pictures. The most impressive 3d model module i have seen is the X-wing miniatures module. That thing is CRAZY with all the hi-def 3D ship models, their stands, and the info cards with stats.

Glad you like it Andon. Trying to tell people how much fun it is and how it works doesn’t really do it justice. Once they see it in full 3D action, learn the basics of the interface, and can see what is possible, their enthusiasm ramps up pretty quickly.

I stay logged into the Steam Group Chat anytime i am available for gaming so if you see me in there just yell at me for a game.

Please add me too, thanks! Steam - rowe33

I just spent over an hour looking up old Avalon Hill games I played decades ago likemagic realm and starship troopers. Ack!

Oh man, that takes me back. Now I’m really tempted to download this just to reread the rules and look over the pieces to see whether Starship Troopers holds up. It’s gotta be awful by today’s standards, right?


Wow, that Magic Realms module is a work of art. It’s by far one of the prettiest and best implemented games i have seen on TTS. Now if i could just commit the 6 months of real time it takes to actually learn to play that game…

The Starship Troopers module is also really well assembled. Very clean setup with nice large hi-res versions of the boards and control sheets. The module author also has the Alien and Terran attack tables on nice big placards hanging on the side of the table. He also included the manual via the in game tablet computer (yes, a fully functional 3D tablet that can access the internet to play music or browse the web. In this case he has it set to show the Starship Troopers game manual for reference within the game). The game itself will never win any beauty pageants but its very well represented given the source material. I cant comment on the gameplay as it’s been 20 years since i last dragged my copy out of the dark corners of the closet but from my memory it seems to include everything necessary to play.

Yeah, Karim’s MR redesign project is a damn masterpiece in it’s own right. It also added a heap of quality of life enhancements like updating counter art to include information that is not present in the original, in addition to making said information clearer through colour coding and consistency. All of which should help to learn the game a little easier. The rule book has also been re-written a bunch of times by very dedicated players in order to make learning easier and roll in many years of errata.

One of these days…

Hmm… This looks interesting. I play D&D once a week on Roll20, but this looks good for the times we don’t have a GM or don’t want to play D&D.

I cannot remember - this one of the first games that had some hidden type movement correct? Trying to find the tunnels etc?

Yeah, the arachnid player had a second hex map where they would draw their tunnels, where their troops could move about like freewaysand open breaches… The terrans had to try to map and adapt and be prepared to be attacked from anywhere.

Lords of Waterdeep (TTS match) crown a surprised winner.

A surprised and perplexed Vormithrax (first time player…REALLY!) emerged victorious from a glorious melee within the realm of Waterdeep. A very lucky last turn allowed him to run up a surprising score by completing 3 quests, 2 of which were bonus points per his Lord ability, letting him eke ahead of Zorch for the win.

Thanks to Zorch, Andondn, and Intelekt for the, apparently, very good teaching help.

Great game and very enjoyable company! Looking forward to a rematch to retain my shiny crown of victory!

But the REAL important question: does the Lords of Waterdeep module use the little cubes or the pimped up version of the pieces! ;)

I never did like Starship Troopers. And if you want to play Magic Realm, you should use Realmspeak, which enforces the rules for you (and was recently open sourced).

This hopefully answers the cube/pimp question:

Hmm…assuming i can figure out how to post a screenshot…

Check out this new TTS RoboRally module by Strongfort. He created some awesome custom-modeled and textured miniatures of the little metal scalawags!