Tactical Breach Wizards - Into the Breach but with Spells?

This was shown as a small demo a long, long time ago (2019, I think) and I’ve had it on my wishlist since, so it’s nice to at last get some traction on the project. This is a Tom Francis title, from the developers of Heat Signature and Gun Point, so it will probably play similar to those games, but it has a strong Into the Breach vibe with free (and frequent) Rewind to test out a strategy and see how it will play out before committing to it.

(duration - 7:02)

Based on what I’ve seen back in the day and again now on a much, much newer build I think this one is going to warrant its own thread.

So, Shadowrun, stripped down?

I’m not sure if it’s got anything really going on with shadow run - the aesthetic is very different, no orcs or anything I can tell, nor hacking. It’s really more of a puzzle game maybe? I guess it’s hard to know, watching this I love the interactions with the environment, but I’m not sure how well I would personally do coming up with the solutions he does without help. Did you watch the video?

The end of the video shows upgrading your abilities, which makes this less puzzle like just by nature of how different players will have made different upgrade choices. Maybe Into the Breach is a better analogy.

Oh good, I had just had that thought and updated the thread title; I’m glad someone else got that same vibe.

I absolutely love ITB so I’m all in if that’s what they are going for here.

This game comes from the developer of Gunpoint and Heat Signature, so I’m expecting something similar in terms of tone and awesomeness. ;)

Needless to say, it’s high in my wishlist. I enjoyed Gunpoint and I loved Heat Signature.

Very much looking forward to it, as Gunpoint is one of my favourite games of all time, and while I didn’t really stick with Heat Signature, I thought it was a really neat game and as this is turn based I suspect I will get on better with it. I do like plan-rewind-execute games, but with slightly more constrained choices than say Frozen Synapse I might be able to grok it easier. Also hoping it has lots of writing - hard to tell from the trailer as Tom was skipping through the story stuff to avoid spoilers.

This looks really interesting. I played some Heat Signature and wanted to like it but it just never really clicked for me. I’m a huge fan of Into the Breach though and this certainly has some similarities. Hmm, I already have this on my wishlist so I must have got wind of it at some point in the past!

Same. I’m super here for this.

I read this initially as Tactical Beach Wizards. I don’t know what that would have entailed by I was intrigued.

Oooh, this seems neat. Wishlisted!

Chimera Squad seems like an obvious influence as well.

He’s also looking for a composer for in-game music, which would have been an irresistible gig for us 30 years ago!

Perhaps not!

It’s been in development for at least 3 years. And it’s been in the dev’s mind for much longer than that…

It’s partly based on a thing we used to joke about at PC Gamer sometimes, the idea of a super serious Call of Duty type military game, but the team are just wizards for some reason. We were probably all picturing different takes on this, but in my head it was kevlar over robes, staves with scopes, wands with silencers, grenades full of basilisk tears.

Interesting. The parallels between the two are noteworthy, though (not meant as a criticism, just an observation)

And a new one:


I’m installing (i.e. demo is live!)

Okay, already done with the demo. Basically it is as expected excellent, exactly what was promised with cool spells, tactical breaching strategy combat with plenty of “Into the Breach” style combat with things knocked around, etc. Basically the main issue is that this is only a demo and there is nowhere to insert money to get a full game.

Edit: and also it says the full game is estimate 8-10 hours, and I’d almost certainly love more - more story campaing, and randomised roguelike campaign. The writing is funny and smart so I definitely want to see how the story and characters develop. But I’d also love a way to just get randomised pick up and play scenarios with varied encounters and character mixes and progression (like Slice and Dice).

Hopefully it does well enough that they can add more to it. I could be wrong, but it feels like with this sort of game that creating more levels/scenarios might be much less intensive than getting to the point they are now (developing the characters, combat, graphics, etc)