Tales from the Loop on Amazon - More Sci-Fi!

Ha, in that case you should probably hop off the ride.

Boy, did I not like the 3rd episode. An illicit romance story could have been fine… but they did nothing to explain why this girl didn’t want to just go public with the relationship, which made all the other choices totally nonsensical. Just a tiny detail that her boyfriend’s (character from ep2) connection to the Loop is expected to be a career boon for her would do. I would guess that a scene like this between her and the boyfriend might have been cut, but… this is not a show that leaves a lot on the cutting room floor.

4th episode was pretty good thanks to Pryce. It was interestingly softer on the weird-happenings front, which was okay with me.

Still curious where this is going to go. Less sure I’m going to like it. I guess I just don’t think the scripts are very good?

I thought it was effective in recreating that tone of teenage wistfulness. Nothing in the show makes sense or stands up to any kind of scrutiny, so I think if you don’t enjoy the moods or the atmosphere of the show there’s nothing much else of value.

Yep, for those people who are 3/4 episodes in and are not enjoying it, its probably best to cut your losses and stop watching. The vibe / style certainly stays constant throughout.

I found it thoughtful and mysterious, but also sad. Nothing over played, over explained, just neat little stories, all tied together, mainly told through the eyes of the kids. The questions are still there at the end, but it felt like a satisfying conclusion.

High hopes for a season 2.

To be clear, I love the tone, the atmosphere, and the pacing. The simplicity of the storytelling is refreshing. I have just noticed that the dialogue writing is often a little unnecessarily flat, and in the case of the third ep just didn’t work (for me).

I started the 1st episode a while ago, maybe 10 min. but wasn’t in the mood, it had Phil Glass music in it, so I had this in the back of my mind.
I was reading all the short description of the episodes tonight,and went for ep. 2. The music held it together for me, and I liked what happened, and it got good a ark and ending, so I was hooked and went back to ep. 1 and liked how there are people from ep. 2 showing up in ep. 1 … also how they use music, put it in the foreground, I support this.
So they are connecting episodes, I will go chronological now ;) I read positve feedback here, that gives me hope for the other episodes.

Coming to this show from Westworld 3, which is so dark and depressing sometimes. Needed something interesting, but light. I think I found it

I’m through episode 3 and loving it. I enjoy how contemplative and deliberate every scene and set up is. I have enough ultra fast action ADHD shows for when I have that itch - there are precious few shows that do this type of exposition. The world building is subtle and phenomenal at the same time.

I found the characters choices in the third season very understandable (if abhorrent and frustrating) - maybe it has to do with Chinese cultural norms, or maybe just experiencing dating that personality type in the past. People that make those choices definitely exist.

I enjoyed this, even if its it extremely slow at times. SLOW!

How the world and time passes is pretty neat.

Only watched 2 episodes per day, due to the pacing and music, every time I tried to watch a 3rd episode in a given day, I’d doze off. So it took me 4 days. :P

I did one episode a day, taking around two weeks to watch it all. Not bingeable, but excellent.