Talk me out of buying the Samsung Series 7

My wife and I REALLY want a little tablet PC for painting and sculpting on the couch, in bed, or wherever. THe best bet I’ve seen lately is the Samsung Series 7:

My main requirements are:

  • Windows 7
  • Runs Photoshop and ZBrush and other 3D apps
  • Pressure sensitive stylus

This seems to hit all those notes.

Where’s the landmine that I’m not seeing? Help me, QT3!

Its overpriced, too heavy, and you’ll be lucky to get 4 hours out of it doing anything other than idling. With Haswell hitting the streets in the next year you’ll be dealing with buyer’s remorse knowing that the new tablets are lighter, thinner, and get much better battery life.

And why would you buy a tablet right now that isn’t running windows 8? Win 7 is terrible for touch screens.

I’d keep the sculpting at the desk for one more year to see how Intel’s mobile processor plans pan out.

I’ve been running Windows 7 on my HP touchscreen laptop exclusively for drawing and painting and it’s been fantastic. I’m sure Win8 is great, but there’s nothing wrong with 7.

I’ve also been waiting for a nice equivalent of what I have now in tablet form, mostly to reduce the weight (my touchsmart is 4 lbs) and a better viewing angle screen. It’s going to be hard for a tablet to match my 6 gigs of ram though, for keeping heavy apps (PS+Illustrator and sometimes SketchbookPro) running concurrently.

Windows 8 doesn’t really interest me and I KNOW that I love Windows 7. :)

Hmm, OK … I got kind of the same reaction from some other people so maybe I’ll gear down and stop grinding metal on this one. I think I got caught up in the imagination of what this COULD be.

Damn it, someone make a decent tablet PC soon plz!

You can’t afford it. You think money grows on trees? When I was your age I used a pencil and paper to draw. We sculpted with clay. We painted with… with… paint. You kids with your touch pads. All we had was heat pads. And we liked them! And belt onions…

If you want to go all pretentious and stuff, you can grab a pair of the $3500 modbook. Goes great with a beret!

Shit, that looks awesome! Not $3,500 awesome, but still awesome!

if ever there was a device that would make you hate/love Apple hardware with the intensity of the sun, it’s this! >(