Tax Reform Under Trump 2017

There sure are a lot of decimals in those statistics.

What’s the minimum of the average? Do you mean the lowest value of the distribution?

Something to the effect of: the very fact of vigorous participation in hardware discussion, upgrades, etc. does mean the median income of our forum will, effectively, be pegged somewhat higher.

Not that people of lower incomes can’t, or shouldn’t, discuss or buy consoles, phones, and computers. Just that you wouldn’t see threads talking about how they have bought a new smartphone every year and a half being taken with such vigor. The framing wouldn’t be ‘which phone has the best JS performance’ as the metric by which people make purchasing decisions. But rather ‘which phone for under $x will last me the next 4 years+’.

Which isn’t to say there aren’t people all over the income spectrum here. But rather that based on activity and discussions it does weight more towards the middle/ upper middle class level.

Definitely above the median income is my impression, for more than half of forum members.

Heh, 18 women huh. You think they actually post? The age demographic seems especially weird because it would suggest that those lower brackets just don’t really participate since our actual polls, the ones you click, don’t say that. And the largest ethnic group is Asian?.I guess we can stop hearing about echo chambers since our largest political group is Independent not Democrat.

You, sir, are mathematical genius. :)

Trolls count as animals, right?

For what it’s worth, I don’t think @Strollen’s out of line to suggest that the average and median incomes of Qt3 posters are substantially higher than equivalent stats for the US at large. Hell, now that my partner’s working, I don’t even bring down the average all that much anymore and I’m one of like four people here who isn’t in a STEM job ;-)

Amusingly enough, I actually work for a STEM-based nonprofit. . . as a glorified administrative assistant, perfectly leveraging my Print Journalism (Magazine Focus) degree :-D

When I started on this site, I was not in STEM and since it was around the great recession, not even employed. It’s not a static thing.

Interesting, guess I’m one of those four too since Accounting isn’t considered to be in STEM. I feel left out now!

Don’t feel left out. I do not have a STEM educational background. It’s econ/finance… I just wound up supporting a billing system in tech because I dig computers but it was all just self taught stuff for the most part.

Accounting isn’t considered to be Math? Weird.

People who do accounting are too cool to be considered math users.

I guess I’m working in the tax industry, so I’m not STEM either. After I finish off my Masters, I’m going to take some refresher stats courses, and apply for a position in the Census Bureau.

Accounting is only superficially about math - it’s much more about knowing/researching, understanding, and applying the appropriate set of complex rules for a given situation. Even more so nowadays when Excel or a specialized program is doing what math is involved. In terms of the skillset, there’s more overlap with lawyers than with math majors.

(Also not a STEM: my undergrad was in econ, and I ended up in large-company corporate finance & strategy, which has a big side helping of accounting by necessity.)

Strollen: I dunno, this forum’s pretty rich, y’all sure you’re not mad about this in part cuz it’ll bite some of you?

Forum: We aren’t rich we’re normal folks!

Armando: It’s painful to say it but I’m pretty sure Strollen’s right on our average income guys we’re a bunch of STEMmy wankers

Forum: I’m not a STEM-enabled richy rich programmer I just work up in large-company corporate finance and strategy I’m basically an English teacher folding shirts at Gap!

;-) <3 (I recognize the categorization of the last couple of comments is unfair but it is amusing based on the preceding context)

Whatever, Armando, you lost your credibility when you sold out to The Man.

Armando is the Deep State! It all makes sense now!