Teh Wire Complete Series: $81 Gold Box deal


My brother just got this. It’s dense, heavy, and totally awesome. Holding it is awesome; you know you’re in for it.

Where’s Wallace At?

Awesome, Ive been waiting to buy this forever. I almost did at $125, but this is to good to pass up. Thanks Jeff!

I almost want to risk it sticking in customs. Almost. But so awesome. I wish it was available in the EU.

Curse Amazon and their “we no longer price adjust” stance, but this set is worth it at at whatever they decide to charge.

The only downside is that the disc packaging sucks. They’re in cardboard sleeves that are glued together and tend to slide into the gluey part during shipping, marring the outside edge of the disc. It’s not a really big deal, but a set like this deserves packaging that isn’t so chintzy.

Yeah, seems as if the packaging is the #1 complaint. Very tempting to pick it up and move the DVDs into cases.

Wow. LOL :)

I’ve never seen an episode of The Wire, and I’m very tempted. I think I’m gonna have to hold out for the eventual Blu Ray though. I finally bought a player, so I’ve just got to get the super ultra diamond blu ray edition some day.

Thanks Jeff! Grabbed this earlier today thanks to this thread…and 3.99 overnight shipping was a deal I couldn’t refuse either.

FWIW, the Wire is shown in a conventional aspect ratio- it isn’t widescreen. I wouldn’t expect the Blu-ray to be much of a visual upgrade.

That, and it was filmed in standard-def video and not on film. I’m holding out for Blu-ray with Deadwood, but the DVDs are technically as good as The Wire will ever get.

This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You’re holding off from watching one of the greatest television series ever made on the vague chance that a high definition version may eventually at some point be released? They never even broadcast it in high def!

Really? I had assumed that it was still shot on film. The image quality is quite good and it doesn’t have the same look that video usually has.

Quoted from Griffin’s Inside HBO’s The Wire.

EDIT: I was mistaken in that this doesn’t necessarily mean it wasn’t originally shot on film, but the fact remains that the final version was always produced in SD.

Best Buy had it for $90 along with a soundtrack CD around Christmas. Considering there was no chance in getting messed-up packaging, I’d say that was a slightly better deal. No idea if it’s coming back, though.

Today’s gold box deal: Deadwood for $65.

thanks for posting that, and the original deal. Bunch of dvd’s in the mail to me.

The Wire Seasons 1-5 in 5 mins (and in rhyme).
