Tell us what's happened to you recently (that's interesting)

You didn’t hear this from me, but you don’t really need to rush. Certainly don’t worry about making them wait.

You didn’t hear this from me either, but notes of slow or non payment of medical fees are one of the easiest contested credit report entries.

Fair enough, but I also don’t want to procrastinate and then forget about it and let it blow up at me like a certain boring task at work that came up this week after being left on a back burner for the better part of three months…

Payment plan is set and manageable with no interest or anything dumb. And hey, I’m not dead, so that’s nice, too.

So… the Salvation Army sent out a emergency call today, again, to the community. All those toys they picked up on Monday, well… their warehouse flooded Tuesday night, sticky toilet… I am disappointed and grossed out. They’re looking for volunteers to salvage what they can and of course, more toys.

At this point, I won’t be able to pick up the really good ones like I purposefully tried to do this year. It’s my day off so on the way home from the movies, I think I’ll be able to pick up a few things there at least.

It’s been six weeks since my ICL operation and I’m generally happy with it. My right eye is “20/15” and my left eye is “20/40”, but, really, it’s more like 20/25 and 20/60. I told the doctor I spend 90% of my time looking at a computer screen, so that’s the vision he aimed for, with the remaining 10% of the time requiring glasses. And it’s generally held true. The left eye is worse because it’s supposed to help with the close-up reading, and it’s doing that, but not very much. The doctor said that might be due to the astigmatism in the left eye.

I have zero issues with my 43" inch monitor at about 2’ (4k at 150% zoom) and my 27" monitor at 16" (1080p). My 15" laptop at 1080p however does cause some mild eyestrain after about an hour. I’m getting a 17" soon, hopefully that will go away. I have to hold my phone somewhere around 16" away to see it clearly, and if do too much reading on it (more than an hour) it will also cause some mild eye strain. Checking reddit, facebook, and QT3 throughout the day are generally fine.

I can see the 55" TV fine from the couch about 10’ away, but from the dining room 20’ away things get less distinct.

Driving during the day is fine, but driving at night is difficult. The poor left eye and the limited light make it harder to notice details and gauge distances.

I was very excited to buy a cheap pair of bifocal glasses from for $52 – due my terrible vision (-13) I always had to get extra features in the lenses and glasses would end up costing $300-400. The bifocals seem to fix everything. Getting used to the line sucks, though. My doctor specifically said to not get the progressives, because for progressives you need to wear them most of the time to adjust to them, which of course the is exact opposite of what I want to do with glasses.

I’ve been wearing glasses since I was five or six. Started wearing contacts at twelve and wore them until I was 40 when I starting having dry-eye issues and had to give them up. So that’s been pretty cool. I still sometimes reach for my glasses when I wake up. And I sometimes I try to adjust them on my face - “ghost glasses,” hah.

Well the Millennium Falcon that I got a great deal on that sells online often for around 40 was 60 at the store, so no one is getting that from me unless they salvage it but…

Board Games and Crayola Activity sets were on sale, 50%, and Hot Wheels were just there so for the price of just under one space ship I got these instead to cover more kids. (I threw in the overpriced Star Wars hot wheel because I had to have something Star Wars in there to make me feel better).

Every parent I know talks about Paw Patrol and also Ponies, so they’re in there too.

I could take a picture of the kids play room to prove it to you 😉

It’s my 4 year olds favorite

My nephew is 3. I never even heard of Paw Patrol until my sister explained it to me, and also The Lion Guard. Well at least I know the movie behind that series. I didn’t see much of their stuff though in that store. I didn’t see the other one either. PJ Masks.

I’ve been getting this grandpa’s oatmeal soap for a while. They have some other types, one is “Pine Tar”. I thought, hmm, maybe I’ll try that.

Basically it was creosote soap. That may be one of the most disgusting smelling things I’ve ever purchased. Straight in the trash. I am getting a little nauseous thinking about the smell right now, actually.

Nice, cause who doesn’t want to smell like a railroad tie.

It was real, REAL bad. Like… why do they even make this product bad. I was thinking pine needles, pine sap, woodsy … not creosote.

So really manly. 😉 maybe I should try giving it to one of my great uncles.

You would have to be insanely manly to use this soap. Like shave yourself with a bowie knife manly. Ugh. So bad.

haha, Dundee! Actually I don’t know what kind of knife he had, but that’s the first guy that came to mind. I wasn’t even sure what you were talking about at first, but I googled the term… looks awful. Thanks for sharing the story though. It was amusing.

So you smelled like the grip part of a baseball bat?

It’s insanely popular. My three year old daughter loves it, and a large portion of her the kids in her preschool class are Paw Patrol fans.

As an auntie of two, I try to make it my duty to know what my nephews are into on some level. Unfortunately, this auntie refuses to be screwed over by cable companies, and Paw Patrol is not on like any of the legal streamers so I will have to rely on just buying any random things with Paw Patrol on it to win favor.

Chase and Marshal (police and fire pups respectively) are, nominally, the headliners. Not a big distinction, but they do tend to be the most enthusiastic ones for kids. Also Sky and her helicopter.

If that helps, at this late hour.

Yes it does. I saw Lion Guard when I was at their house last but not Paw Patrol. I’ll have to keep that in mind should I get a character centrist thing the next time around, say for his birthday.

Fuck that shit, Rubble 4 lyfe!