Tell us what's happened to you recently (that's interesting)

That is pretty cool.

D&D day at my friend Dave’s place. It’s better equipped than a lot of game stores I’ve been to. And better snacks, of course.

When I looked at the pics I thought it was a store!

They say envy is a sin, so I will pray to Paladine and slay ten kobolds to atone.

So did I. Very impressive.

The mounted Cthulu head is extremely cool. If I had a nerd man cave I’d want one.

I do. And I do.

You go!

Yeah, sure. If I got that my wife would also say those words. In a less supportive way. :)

Ha ha. Well, no man cave here. We are downsizing so we don’t buy much stuff. I will be getting rid of 90% of my belongings in the next 1.5-2 years if things go as planned.

Send list. And prices. To my post office box. ;)

Just get one of those rubber horse masks and put it over the top. Viola, classy mounted horse head.

For the record, and because I’d have to turn in both my Lovecraft and D&D nerd cards if I didn’t set the record straight, it’s a Mind Flayer. Specifically, this one:

I recommend not looking at the prices, unless you won the lottery recently.

Do you know what the map on the wall is from?

Looks like Greyhawk from Dungeons and Dragons

Well, it was the most likely scenario and now it’s official - I’m gonna be getting foot surgery. When I broke the bone back in September the doctors said it would probably be necessary, but I wanted to try the natural healing method first. It’s been two months and no sign of that working, so now they’re telling me that it’ll likely never heal without help. So, Friday I get a screw in the bone to hold it together while it (hopefully!) heals up over the next 8 weeks or so. It’s back to the boot for me, with crutches, until about the end of January.

Chicago roads have claimed many a runner. And tire.

Sorry to hear that, hopefully it’s a smooth healing from here out.

Aw man, that’s a bummer. Thoughts and prayers ;)

I had this amazing rotating gout flare that lasted nearly a month that seems to have finally calmed down.

Recommendation: Don’t have whatever gene makes you susceptible to gout. Holy shit is it miserable.

Can they do that outpatient or do you need to stay in for a bit to keep it in traction?

It’s outpatient…supposed to be a 45 min surgery and then I go home, albeit under orders to stay off the foot and keep it elevated. The doc said I’ll be able to move around fairly well (on crutches), sit at the computer, etc after a couple of days. And that’s how it’ll stay for about 8 weeks.

My parents had been asking if I wanted to come see them for Thanksgiving, so I just turned the tables on them and now they’re coming here for a couple of weeks. Free at-home care. :)