Terriers (FX)

Aliens have discovered the internet. I read through the comments on the cancellation article, and several said the show sucked. Clearly nonhumans.

The world loses a great show, and yet Shit My Dad Says is still on TV…

Bah, that sucks. Though I’m happy they got to finish out the season at least, which would not have happened on some other networks.

Anyone know if this is coming to DVD? I’d certainly be willing to spring for it if it has commentaries.

Well fuck.

I hope so. I’ll definitely spring for it on Blu-ray. :-)

I think it’s a forgone conclusion that it will come to DVD. Does anything not go to DVD anymore? The only question is if the studio will spend the money/time to do commentaries and put together other extras. I know the two leads went on a cross country tour to promote the show… I imagine there is a lot of good footage in there to put together a 30-60 minute special…

The only scenario in which this wouldn’t end up in disc format is if a team of Extraterrestrial Ninjas simultaneously assassinated every pressing plant employee in the universe. Not just the world - the universe, because it would be worth the money to outsource the work to freaking Zeta Reticuli Prime. Discs are one of the biggest direct revenue sources for shows, and particularly for shows on cable channels, where you just plain don’t get as much money for ads. The cost of producing some simple commentary tracks or basic extras isn’t really that significant, particularly if one of the extras is done using footage that was already shot during Scruffy and Scruffier’s national tour.

Jake 2.0 didn’t make it to DVD. I never watched the series, but I was curious about it and discovered the only DVD versions out there are pirated versions. A news article I read said the studio felt it wasn’t worth the expense.

So, given the low ratings of Terriers, it’s possible they’ll feel that way about it as well.

I would be genuinely shocked, particularly for a series that you can slap a big sticker that says “From the Writers/Producers of The Shield” on the cover.

Of course, given the fact that Jake 2.0 failed on UPN, I’m guessing that, like, seven people watched it in the first place. That or it cost a billion dollars an episode to produce. It was owned by CBS/Paramount so I can see how the merger cost might have factored that out of production.

Not surprisingly, a number of UPN shows haven’t made it to DVD. In many cases though, prior to DVD sales becoming so huge, you’ll probably find that there are music licensing issues and they end up deciding not to pay the extra money because it isn’t worth it and also not worth subbing in new music.

There is a reason that shows on the WB/CW use predominately artists on their own companies labels. It’s a promotional tool AND they can give themselves discounts on the various licensing.

A TV executive is actually a class act for once.

You got me, FX. I’m in for whatever original programming you pick up. I still think it was a dumbass name for a show, but it turns out that you guys agree with me too, and I can’t argue if you say you actually conducted a study. Why can’t all network executives be this frank and honest?

One thing that kills me is the online stuff… if people come into a show late, 3 minute replays are nice, but no substitute for the real show. Why were they letting episodes on Hulu and their own website expire and drop off such that only 5 episodes were available at a time? When episode 6 showed up, episode 1 vanished, and so on. I tried to get more people to watch, but after episode 6 it was a huge hassle. The only legal option was for people to buy episodes through iTunes or Amazon VOD, and paying for shows isn’t something most people will do for a show they don’t know if they like…

Terriers will be missed. What a great show. This is up there with Firefly in suck cancellations.

You have to credit them for seeing the writing on the wall, and closing it decently. Firefly didn’t do that.

I got the impression they planned the series we got from day one - as it should be. I’ll take three complete and good one-season shows over a single sprawling three-season soap opera.

I think we’re well into the era where DVD releases are a forgone conclusion. You have stuff like Jake 2.0 produced while the DVD switchover was still happening and it a show’s ratings still were a big factor in determining what would be sold on DVD. Another show I wish had made it to DVD was the F/X series Lucky. But now, unlike when Lucky aired, TV on DVD isn’t seen as risky.

They finished the show before it even aired and thus flopped. So to their credit, they came up with a good ending either way.

That’s bull, I still blame FX. With serialized shows, you cannot expect people to come in at the middle and have the same experience. He needed critical mass out of the gate, and they couldn’t deliver due to their shitty marketing campaign. I saw the promos and had no interest in the show, it was only reading a spot about it earlier on the airdate that described the show better and mentioned the fact it was from Shawn Ryan.

FX dropped the ball, plain and simple.

Sorry to bump this, but anyone know if this is EVER coming out on DVD? I’d really love to rewatch the series, and if any series begged for commentaries it’s this one. I really hope the DVD didn’t get cancelled too.

Sadly the last news anyone’s heard about it is way back in February:


This would be a day one purchase for me.