That NYT op-ed: The Resistance is Coming From Inside the House...

What does it say about Police Actions? :)

I think somewhere around the Whiskey Rebellion everyone decided it was only a piece of paper after all. It’s been downhill since then.

“Now” they leak to Woodward?

I mean… sure, if you ignore that it was happening over 40 years ago.

I am not convinced. All these commentators on both sides saying “resign and talk, or do your job and shut up” but that is a plan that has worked only because the ruling party or chief executive have any shame. It seems there is none of that around now, so I think resigning and even testifying would just give them another scapegoat and deepen everyone’s’ silos. DT has always led a dog-eat-dog management team; they just usually aren’t trying to eat the big dog.

You know who else ran a management team like that? …

I mean, besides Steve Jobs.

Agreed. Resigning doesn’t mean anything when the administration, the GOP and their anything but a black man or a woman voters don’t care about competence or ability to run the country.

It’s wrong to say that Trump is actually doing anything as part of a managerial style.

He’s just incompetent as a leader.

His underlings aren’t competing in some controlled environment, some crucible for distillation of ideas.

They’re just a bunch of animals in a pit. Rats stuffed into a barrel. Trump isn’t leading them at all. He’s, if anything, just an environmental hazard that’s used by the rats to kill each other.

It’s like DungeonQuest. How much money can you loot before the dragon wakes up and everyone dies?

With the added bonus that those who are not even playing might be slain!

Nice. Well said.

Another take from the intarwebs:

To have insisted that the publication carry the author’s name, or to have rejected the piece entirely rather than grant anonymity, would have deprived the American people of directly communicated information from inside the White House. We need to remember: This is a first-hand report, spoken directly to the American citizenry, by somebody in a position of responsibility. It was largely unmediated – opinion editor James Dao has said the op-ed arrived in good shape, suggesting it wasn’t heavily edited – and anonymity guaranteed not only its publication, but its candor.

Objection - assumes facts not in evidence.

I find with them publishing anonymously. if the author had put his/her name on it, then in addition to getting himself fired. We would have seem a million articles attacking the author. The benefit of him publishing anonymously is that at least for the first the day the story was properly about the content of the memo and not who wrote it.

Am I the only who finds it ironic that much of the complaints about the author being anonymous are made by people with anonymous accounts on social media, who be furious if they were doxxed.