The 2018 Midterms Game Day Thread of Angst, Worry, (and maybe some hope?)

Then go make other folks vote. Go drive people to the polls.

Voted in WI

Voted in Pennsyltuky. Lots of rain this morning, so polling place was much less crowded than 2016, though more crowded than 2014. That might just be pop growth in our area though.

In Melbourne FL for the election, so finally seeing the ads here. The DeSantis ad makers seem to have discovered that Gillum is a black man, therefore a crook, and they’re selling that message hard.

I’ll be going out this afternoon to vote as much as possible!

Raining like all heck here in PA, probably not good for voter turnout where people have to wait outside in lines. :|

Busy polls this morning in Minneapolis!

All I want for my birthday is a Democratic Senate, America. Don’t let me down.

Shut up, Narrator! Everything is going to be great!

My current worry: Dems take the House and with no concerns about getting re-elected the GOP rams through the vilest crap they can in the next month. Worse if the Senate flips too.

My polling place in 2016 was way busier than I’ve ever seen it before. I had to stand in a long line over 40 minutes to finally get to vote, whereas I’ve never had to wait in line before that.

Today, I went there, and the line was twice as long as it had been in 2016. It was crazy. I wasn’t dressed to stand out in the cold for so long either, so I left the polling place and came to work.

I’ll head back there after work, hopefully there will be less people at that time.

New voter suppression idea: tell all your supporters to vote as slowly as possible in order to make longer lines and encourage people to give up.

Damp today. Been out here since 5:15. Huge turnout for a midterm.

Danica just posted from the Yorkshire precinct that as of 9:00 am, 503 people have voted, which is HUGE. (She won there by 20%).

Go JW in the VA10!

Has anyone else here besides @triggercut ever been this involved in a midterm election?

If you’re stuck in a really long line, report it to

You can also donate to send pizzas out!

I think @orald has been more involved in midterms than I have. Heck, he’s worked on 'em! Wouldn’t be surprised if there are many others, too…

But I take your point. This midterm feels very, very different.

I can remember the 2002 midterms and realizing just a day to two before “Wow, Democrats are gonna get their asses kicked.” And then they did on Election night, but I only watched returns for about an hour or so…and it was just a shrug and whatever.

I hear you. I admit I’m a stereotypical Democrat (okay, I’m not a registered Democrat and have never been a one-party kind of guy, but the world’s a little different after 2016. You know what I mean) in that I pay more attention to the presidential elections than the midterms. In my defense, midterms around here are a symbolic vote only, but still. I never paid too close of attention to them, other then look at the results that night.

This year, though? I had to jump through a few hoops and take a little time off of work to cast my largely symbolic vote. I just couldn’t handle thinking back on 2018 and not bothering to vote. Sure, my Representative is 100% going to be a Republican, but at least I voiced my opposition.

That’s pretty awesome. I sent a pizza. I hope it has arugula on it.

I feel similarly, though at least most of the races I got to symbolically vote on were for sure-thing Democrats (except Governor Frat Boy is going to win re-election because MA loves its Republican Governors for some reason). There was one ballot initiative I felt strongly about, so that made it worth it, but I would have had to go out and just be involved anyway.

When did Iowa governor become a toss-up? You have to be kidding me.

Wanna watch two of Ohio’s biggest counties vote in real time?


Might be fun to check back from time to time, though:

Cuyahoga County (Cleveland):

Hamilton County (Cincinnati):

(Trying to find one for Franklin County, which is Columbus and will probably be numero uno on votes cast in this election.)