The 4400

Everyone, watch this show!!!

Tonight a big, big twist was revealed, and even though I suspected it (and they kind of told us before) it was still done extremely well.

Finally saw it last night. This really is an excellent series. Not without it’s flaws but very entertaining. I love how there’s all these plot lines intertwining with each other, rasing the bar each episode and making some dramatic Sci-Fi. It’s like a good book.

Holy Hell, the season finale was good. The last couple minutes were like the opposite coin to Six Feet Under’s. Whereas SFU was haunting, tragic, and conclusive, this was exciting, anticipatory, and mysterious. I can’t believe I’ve got to wait nine months for the next season.

Anyone else catch this finale? If so, perhaps we can talk spoilers.

Yeah. Who was that guy on the beach at the end? I missed about half of this season’s episodes, so don’t know if I’m supposed to recognize him or not.

I am thinking he has a passing resemblance to Collier, but Collier had darker hair.

It was definitely Collier. You missed half the seasons eps, but I imagine you knew he was dead (I mean, they referred to it a lot), but his body disappeared (mentioned in this thread).

I can’t tell whether he was abducted by the future, or by someone in the present, or what. Regardless, he’s back.

It’s odd. I think what’s going on is that there are either two futures, or two groups in the future–one obviously good (or perhaps neutral) and one bad. I think Kyle’s been possessed by both–the good at the end of the first season, and the bad for most of the second. And I think the two are going to duke it out for control of the future using the 4400. I think Sean is perhaps a power for one side, and Isabelle the other. Of course, Sean doesn’t know this. In fact, given the scene in the finale, I think they’re going to become a couple.

Which leads me to wonder whether Isabelle is going to be happy that Collier is back. Considering she betrayed and killed him (in a way).

Of course, this is all speculation based on a fanboyistic mind that’s read way too much sifi.

Fuck that was sheer awesome.

Isabelle is an adult and probably has all her freaky powers x 100. Are we seriously going to have to wait until next summer to see more episodes?

Perhaps Collier’s power was resurrection? Or perhaps another 4400’s power brought him back?

I like that Isabelle’s father has Telekinesis (I forgot his name), that’s always a good one.

I think you’re right about the dueling powers from the future, but at this point it’s impossible to tell who’s acting for good and who’s acting for evil. Given the willingness to use her powers for her own ends, even against her parents, I’m leaning towards the idea that Isabelle is the Force for Evil. It would be neat, though, if despite his best intentions and his healing powers, it turned out that Shawn was the inadvertent Bad Guy. Perhaps grown Isabelle is thinking to control Shawn to further the agenda of the Forces of Evil? Or Perhaps grown Isabelle is there to prevent Shawn from doing something that would screw up the Good Future?

Oooh, or what if the Big Bad from the Future brought Collier back to further the Agenda of Evil? Isabelle tricked Collier knowing that he would be an Agent of Bad in the future, but inadvertently caused him to be brought back as the Bad Guy she tried to prevent?

Ugh, now my head hurts. Anyway, awesome season ender. Too bad it’s a long wait till next time.

I don’t think it’s that complex, honestly. If you’re from the future, obviously you have everything planned out already. Collier was sent back because he was a great leader/businessman. Shawn is a Genuine Good Soul, while Collier is cynical and power hungry. They took over Kyle to kill Collier and install Shawn into a position of authority.

Now, I think the only possible explanation for Collier being back is that they sent him back again. He’s also obviously aged. The Future took him back, healed him, let him age or let him live for a while… at least a year or two judging by his hair, and sent him to the present again because he is important. I don’t think he can/will want to depose Shawn though. He is now the great Healer. It would be like getting rid of Jesus. It just isn’t going to happen. They will (maybe be forced too? Probalby at least advised to by Seans Spin Doctor guy) say that Shawn brought Collier back.

Maia and Isabelle are the key though. Is Isabelle evil? I don’t think so. But, I think Isabelle is from the future, and is one of the people that sent them back. She impregnated Lily with Richards semen, then placed herself into fetus Isabelle. She hid their, protected by the 4400 center to be in exaclty the right place, at exactly the right time. I mean, obviously she knew where, when, and how she was supposed to be used. Now, she has no need to be an infant, so she transforms herself into an adult. Since she is from the future, she’ll have knowledge that Shawn will need. Shawn will be unable to resist bringing Isabelle into his inner circle. I mean, she’s powerful in a multitude of ways, and she has either amazing prescience (unlikely) or like I said has Future Knowledge.

Now, Maia is interesting and I say she is a key because she knows everything. But, she’s too innocent and too afraid to change things. The Future trusts her to be vague, because as a child she can see things, but can’t interpret them in the same way an adult would. So, she gives the good guys just information to win. Maybe, Isabelle couldn’t put all the knowledge she needs into her infant self, so Maia could be part of that. A replacement for the knowledge she needs to lead, or help lead, the 4400 to victory in the war ahead.

I don’t know, I think Collier coming back is going to be a huge wrench in the plans. I think his return will, ultimately, divide the 4400, similar to how I think the future is divided.

Look at it like this–important leader killed. Important leader’s body disappears. Important leader mysteriously resurrected. Pretty Christ-like. He’s going to attract a following.

Going by what they were saying, all of them should of had telekinesis, but it was the drug that prevented the powers from manifesting.

Now will see more powers arriving for those who did not have them before (Lily, etc).

Isabelle looked hot, naked from behind even if it was darkened out. I assumed Collier was abducted after being killed and was brought back to liefe (body repaired) by the future, since they have a grandmaster plan for him (and were pissed he got taken).

His powers never manifested either, as the drug suppressed it.
And, since we keep hearing there is going to be a war, and the US fired the first shots, we can only see Collier going on the offensive (didnt he own an island somewhere?).

Next season could be really good.
I’m hooked, after the finale, it just tied up so many losse ends, and opened up new ones.

That part I did not like was the rip off from “V” where Isabelle is a baby, and overnight is ready to mate.

Going by what they were saying, all of them should have had powers, but the promycin affects people differently, manifesting in different powers. The promycin-inhibitor prevented ANY powers from manifesting, but it doesn’t mean that ALL of them should get TK.

Holy *&W% that was awsome. THAT’s how you make a season finale! Unlike some slouchers cough LOST cough. Holy hell I was grinning like a fool throughout the whole last few minutes. Made me real sad that we’ve got to wait almost a year for more episodes.

Looks like it’s going to be the next X-men now. But I’m okay with that.

Some quick thoughts,


Isabelle was smokin :twisted:

You saw how the “father of the 4400” was injecting himself with promycin? Oooh the posibilities. :)

Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mention that. Yes, so perhaps he’s going to do, through science, what the 4400 Center said it could do all along; unlock the 4400 in “regular” people.

I hate that we have to wait a year. Can’t I send the writers 10 bucks, and they’ll just give me a couple paragraph sum-up of their plans?

Joel Gretsch completely impressed me this season. Blew me away. He was cool in the first season, but he actually showed some dramatic chops this season.

I totally missed The 4400 back in the 2000s when it aired, and it’s been on my things-to-watch list for a while now. Finally got around to it, and just finished watching the whole 4 seasons of the TV show. Felt X-Files-ish to me, what with the government agents investigating weird phenomenon as the default plot mechanic, although the big background story is obviously very different.

Too bad it ended after season 4; there was definitely a material there for quite a bit more TV. According to Wikipedia, there are a couple of novels that were written to extend the story. Anyone read those? Worth the effort to track them down?

I enjoyed the show when it was on, for the most part. I think it had the same problem as shows like Heroes and Lost. They had an idea, they started to run with it, and suddenly they weren’t sure where they were going. Way too many changes in direction without moving towards an end-game.

I’d like to see American TV move towards season-long arcs instead of the typical “let’s keep going until we get cancelled”. Just because an arc is over doesn’t mean the story has to end.

Resurrection, on a separate note, is suffering the same fate for me. It’s strange enough to have me interested, but it’s going no where fast. No central plot, other than “some people came back from the dead”.

Well, I went ahead and got the library to send me those two books. Took a while since there’s apparently only one copy of each in the entire library system of Michigan. Having read them, I’m not surprised about that, because they’re not particularly good as stand-alone books, so probably only fans of the show were interested and those are mostly gone by now. Adequate is the word that comes to mind for the writing, and the plots read for the most part like a long-ish TV episode, maybe one of those two-parter cliffhangers that writers love to stick us with. There’s some movement on the big background story, specifically closure to the whole Marked thing, but by no means do they explain all the mystery that was set up in the show. If you liked the characters in the TV show enough that reading more about them is enough to keep you entertained, then the books are worth the read since there are some interesting character evolutions. I especially like how they handled how Kyle deals with his ability over time. I don’t particularly like that the last bit of the second book ends with another mysterious-future-vision, but I suppose it would be kinda dumb for an author not to leave an opening to continue this sort of series.

Cool! I enjoyed this as a super-hero show, it was better than Heroes, and came earlier, and before the whole super-hero craze started. It was before its time.

But now the problem might be the opposite. Now there’s too much super hero stuff.

@ineffablebob, I didn’t know about the books, thanks for taking one for the team and reading it for us.

Cool, I really enjoyed the 4400, just wish it was a different station that was doing the reboot.

Really? The original was mediocre Syfy trash, only notable for bringing the great actor Mahershala Ali to the forefront.