The Abortion debate

Taranis, do you realize that overturning Roe vs Wade isn’t the same thing as outlawing abortion?

If RvW was overturned tomorrow, there would still be states in the union that would allow abortion. Massachusetts, certainly. Likely New York and California. Probably other New England and northwestern states as well.

If you want abortion outright outlawed, then you’re going against your own request for a smaller government.

Oh, look. It’s Bertrand fucking Russel, ladies and gentlemen.

Let me just say I started this thread not to prove my position or convince anyone to change their mind on abortion, I should have stated that in my first post! The point was to explain mine and many others why we are Pro-Life and to have an open debate so we might understand each others point of view. And this debate HAS helped me understand the the Pro-Choice side.

Also I consider myself a Christen but not religious I have never read the Bible so I can’t comment, but I’m very interested in what Nezz and Shift6 are debating!

Yes I understand that but I would much rather it be a state decision rather then federal law. I’m all for States having more power over its citizens then Federal government. And I’m not against increasing some parts of government that would help to adopt and take care of children in this situation!


Also I consider myself a Christen but not religious I have never read the Bible so I can’t comment,

Martin Luther SMACKS YOU DOWN.

Er, you might want to try reading at least the first five books of the New Testament so you have at least some idea what it is you’re self-identifying with.

Rather than kill. Yes.

As I said, I don’t see any likelihood that one side will convince the other, or that abortion will be resolved any time soon.

Well, if you want to say whether abortion should be legal or not , you need to provide reasons and those need not be subjective.

For example, if you say, abortion should be illegal because it is murder. Well, we can test by asking what is murder? Why is murder illegal? And then we can apply those results to a fetus. Of course, the regression in the questioning won’t probably stop with those two questions, but the idea is to have sound reasoning, which isn’t subjective.

Oh, I’m certainly pro-choice now–which I hope is clear in my other posts–but a good chunk of a my youth was spent as a religious conservative so this may be just lingering indoctrination. I don’t think most people are cavalier about abortion, but at the same time, I think the mother, doctors, and councilors should think about the seriousness of the procedure. It shouldn’t be treated like getting your appendix or tonsils out.

Uh…if you don’t have your appendix taken out (when it needs to come out), you die. I dunno, I’m thinking that maybe wasn’t what you were going for there.

True, I haven’t heard of someone preemptively taking the appendix out. I was looking seemingly useless organs and failed my context roll. Thanks for pointing it out. :)

So life is sacred to you except that which is conceived from the result of a rape? Is the fetus/child not innocent of any wrong doing?

Happens all the time, if there is another surgery planned near the same area.

Let me just say this post is almost complete gibberish.

Oh, come on.

Not with that first sentence, you weren’t.

Roe vs. Wade is not federal law. It is an assertion of individual rights, which the federal government will uphold, as in the eyes of the federal government, the right of an individual should always trump the power (not “rights”) of states.

Meaning I have had a normal Christian upbringing, but I don’t identify myself with any one religion anymore, I’ve read parts of the Bible but not cover to cover so I cant really say I’ve read it.

Yes I was rushed when I wrote this post and I’m not a professional writer sorry if you are unable to understand the meaning, its harder to express a real opinion then it is a personal insult.

Because Bill has always had trouble expressing his feelings on various issues.

Since the child was conceived against the mothers will forcing her to have it would the equivalent of torture.