The action roguelite thread

You should be able to equip the items/arcana you buy before you start a run. Then during the run it is better to upgrade the arcana you started with then to purchase new ones. You can also get to equip cursed ones once you finish the game once.

One thing to do is to save 20 gems in order to get a 200 gold payout before you start a run. It makes the game much easier.

Upgrade how? Is that what you get if you buy an arcana you already have equipped from a shop? I don’t remember the game explaining that at all. What I mean is that the shop in the plaza that sells new arcana has not offered a single basic attack or dash yet, just a ton of ancillary arcana. I know you can equip the stuff you’ve bought before a run, but I haven’t gotten any new ones. As for the relics, there are so many, but only allowing one to be equipped is pretty harshly limiting. No combos, just choose one and go.

That’s correct. If you buy the same one it will be upgraded. IIRC it will have a gold border and it’s effect will be stronger. It’s pretty obvious once you do it once.

If you’re having trouble; buy/equip the vampire relic and get the suit that increases crit. Get a fast basic (something eletric) and some fast arcanas (electric ones again). This allows you to heal everytime you attack and crit.

Is this not entirely dependent on the plaza shop’s RNG offering it to you to buy in the first place?

Well, I would, but the plaza shop has yet to offer me a single basic attack…as I may have mentioned.

RoR 2 is very a ‘wiki game’. As in, for lots of unlocks and secrets you are almost expected to learn from the wiki or at least from the community as you play in coop, because realistically there is no way most players would guess all the shit you have to do on your own.
At least four of the character require secrets to be unlocked. And the game requires a super obscure and involved secret, about noting down criptic dots hidden in hard to reach areas in all the maps and then reaching the second to last map where you have to do special actions… all to unlock some normal game modifiers, lol.

At least, it’s easy to unlock characters, alternate weapons and all items by editing some xml files. It’s so straightforward that I suspect the devs did it for people who didn’t want to engage into all that.

Yeah all that stuff is the worst thing about the game for me. I’m glad actually playing it and succeeding doesn’t require a great deal of that. The in-game log/database is pretty good for the most part.

One more thing, the game has six stages, with the last one being the boss stage.

All the shops should reset when you re-enter the plaza. Just go to the training room and come back.

Once you buy a relic you can equip it or whatever relic you unlock. There should be a guy next to all the shops. What he offers is random but if you keep buying stuff he’ll sell you the vampire relic sooner or later.

Where you buy arcana (bottom right of the map before you enter the dungeon. Near the dummies), the shop arcana sale layout should be (if I remember correctly):
Basic / Movement / Normal / Normal.
Once you buy it, the book nearby should allow you to equip all 4 slots to your liking. But there always should be 1 basic for sale.

This is not true, BUT I didn’t know you could just leave and come back to reroll the plaza shop, which is kind of hilarious and makes me wonder why they bothered. Just show me everything and let me rotate through it, then.

Oh sorry! I thin it happened to me so much that I believed it was so.

I noticed lots of games lets you reroll without consequence like in Urtuk you can reroll for traits for your Beast. It’s not a bad idea.
For WoL though, you’re right it would be more easier to let you choose but keep in mind (I think) there are over a hundred arcanas it might be the Devs way of keeping things simple.

Edit: For the first boss you encounter, make sure you dodge 3 major attacks then attack. Do not try to attack during their attacks.

I hate the stunlocking!

Steam emailed me that Nova Drift is on sale!

Edit: D’oh! It’s still in Early Access. So nevermind. Though it did just get a major update, so maybe that’s the reason for the sale.

Nova Drift is amazing.

Nova Drift is indeed in sale. It’s indeed good… and it’s indeed in EA. A slow one.

For example on November 2020 he shared his plans regarding future development with this chart:

It’s nearing the end of April 2021 and he still hasn’t finished the first step, Enemies 2.0 update.

Well, I couldn’t resist anymore. Nova Drift here I come!

Good decision. It may not be finished, but there are many hours of fun to be had at this stage. The build variety is tremendous. The thing that is lacking (and being worked on) is run variety. In a way, though, that’s fine, because it really lets you compare performance of different builds

Thanks for the roadmap reminder. I’m sure it’s fun right now but I’m gonna wait til its baked a bit more.

I can’t believe Returnal shipped without a Save & Quit option. What the hell? Can you imagine playing a game in this genre without a save & quit? I doubt if I ever would have finished Dead Cells at even boss level 0, for instance. At least they’re sounding appropriately chastised and will be adding one.

A roguelite has been included in the latest Monthly Humble Bundle

New to Early Access: Pokémon Ranger meets bullet hell roguelike in Patch Quest