The action roguelite thread

Maybe the devs realized that despite the gonzo art Dracula just isn’t very good as a game and don’t really know how to fix it. It was disappointing because I really like the look of it, but playing it was not much fun.

That Blade Assault game looks way, way, waaay too visually busy.

Skul is still adding some content

2 new skuls, one new upgrade for an existing one, new perks and new npcs.

Orbital Bullet where… you go around

and a Hell themed one, with the incredible novelty of already having released (unlike being in EA like most games here lol)

I streamed Neon Abyss this morning and had a WONDERFUL time y’all.

I can see that 360 format being a very interesting dynamic for visibility and timing dodges and attacks. Cool idea and reminds me of… Resogun?

I have been playing it a bit for the last week or so. I started disliking it because the art and not feeling special, but I have warmed up to it a bit (although I still don’t like the art style!). It still a B series roguelite, clearly on the second tier below the big, good ones, but it knows it, given the reduced price (10 bucks)

The combat itself tends to be a bit simplistic, mechanically speaking, but it’s still fun to play.

It has the gimmick to have a combat combo as you kill enemies in a row, and if you maintain it you gain gameplay benefits, so they really incentivize to have a good flow.

Enemies are usually not tanky (well, except elites which are tougher version of enemies), and bosses are also thankfully quick to die, in comparison to to other games. The game feels brisk.

It does well one important thing, it has distinct enemies, without cheating like other games that have at first glance many enemy types but in the end they all easily classified in ‘melee enemies’ and ‘ranged enemies that shoot at you’. There are enemies that charge at you, shot you normally or in burst, use shields, summon fireballs in your position, hide in walls, fly around, use shotgun buckshot, summon a shield to allies, etc. There aren’t a TON of them but it does well with what it has.

It has local coop, and online coop is coming.

It also a decent set of weapons, with

  • Flamethrowers
  • Lasers
  • Grenade Launchers
  • Crossbows
  • Railguns
  • Dark Energy Guns
  • Blasters
  • Impulse Guns
  • Acid throwers
  • Plasma Guns
  • Alien Rocket Launchers
  • Sawblade Launchers
  • Alien Shard Launchers
  • Nailguns
  • uzis, shotgun, assault rifles, pistols, sniper rifle
  • Etc

that aren’t spectacular to use, but despite the straightforward combat (there are no fire modes or special abilities or anything like that), they still have made each one a bit different than the others.

And finally, it has a good easy mode. The default mode, called Hard, is surprise surprise, pretty hard, but the easy mode is more manageable and you still get achievements with it. Even better, the easy mode unlock a custom difficulty settings, where you can change directly the damage deal, damage received, game speed, etc.

Have you played Neon Abyss? If so how does it compare?

My impressions of that one are in this thread, if you rewind enough!

Usual caveats apply: I played when it was released, a year ago, so I don’t know how it has improved during this time. I’m counting six updates with new content on Steam since then.

As Neon Abyss is still on Gamepass, I reinstalled and gave it another try. The game is basically very inspired to EtG, with clear visibility on enemies and energy bullets, but that’s the problem too, enemies that shoot boring energy bullets and move almost randomly, and your weapons are also boring energy bullets that make pew pew.

Arcadeggedon out in early access on PC and PS5 looks Returnal/Risk of Rain 2 like. Has co-op.

We have almost the same impression of Neon Abyss then! I actually recommended it, I should change that steam review. l will give Fury Unleashed a try when time permits.

This is the roadmap

Another interesting looking game, a 3rd person action roguelite

Kingdom Gun is basically a Risk of Rain 1 clone, if you fancy a game like that. Constant timer, random perks (some that are stolen directly from RoR) and different character classes with 3 skills with timers included. But with a much different art style. Also some other ideas borrowed from other games, like a big weapon arsenal you can switch like in Enter the Gungeon, and the pets from Neon Abyss.

The different weapons in that one look really crazy and interesting.

I suppose I should link to SNKRX, which have Overwhelming Positive reviews on Steam and it’s only three bucks:

Although personally, the mix of snake and autobattler is totally uninteresting. Two boring flavors together form a still boring flavor.

You must be munching on the wrong kind of snake to think they have a boring flavour.

List of unreleased game mentioned in the thread, easier to review this way:

I still don’t know after reading this thread whether I’ll enjoy Risk of Rain 1 and 2. The bundle is on sale on Xbox again for $12. I wish there were demos.

At least, it looks like the first game has a demo, so I’ll have to try that out this weekend.