The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

That’s what happens when you start ‘hurting the wrong people!’.

Never mind Trump, if a photographer/videographer is in a government building without permission, they will promptly be escorted out or arrested. So if Pelosi says no cameras in the House, there won’t be any cameras.

No, no, by all means! He can do it in front of the Hall of Honor. Maybe he can even hang a few banners and bring in a few battalions of troops.

And he could wave several times to people he recognized in the audience. Only because of all those hamberders his suit jacket is a little tight, so it would be less of a wave and more of an arm thrust out straight and slightly upward, palm and fingers extended flat in the universal gesture of peace and goodwill. The audience of his supporters would then be encouraged to return the greeting in kind.

Wow, 538 now has it Trump approval average below 40%. I think that’s the first time… and I’m appalled it’s taken this long to reach it.

I mean, if you are a GOP representative or senator, you gotta think, having Trump on top of the ballot 2020 cannot be good for you holding on to your seat. It’ll be a drag on the whole ticket, people are going to sit it out. There comes a point when his popularity, or lack thereof, will be a major drag on the party. I am surprised we haven’t seen more of a push to get things turned around yet. But maybe the numbers internally don’t look so bad yet.

They’re too terrified of the base. Sure, they’ll probably get butchered in the general, but they won’t even sniff the general if they turn on Shitgibbon.

This is the end result of the GOP feeding their electorate nothing but red meat for the past 2.5 decades.

Pelosi wins?
She’s the speaker of the house. The president doesn’t have any authority there. He’s not a god damned king.

It’s been lower a couple times in 2017.

It has. Must have missed that.

But then again, I’m just left wondering how the hell it is still not his lowest approval rating after X many weeks of government shutdown. It’s really sad.

We are in month 2 of a very critical 9 month span of time for Trump. This wasn’t the best way for Team Trump to kick that span of time off.

Just wait until his schedule is non-stop campaign rallies in all the red states. I imagine he won’t do much work at all the last 18 months or so of his Presidency. I mean even less than he does now, which is just mind-boggling.

I mean, he’s kind of doing negative work right now, what with the shutdown.

Pretty much. Pelosi is in the right legally. She could technically have Trump physically removed which would be interesting.

In other news, he’s decided to recognize an unelected President in Venezuela, which is sure to infuriate all of Latin America.

Like that Seinfeld episode where George couldn’t think of a comeback until he was on the way home from work.

DJT is about as well acquainted with the truth as he is with condoms.

Why? What happens in August?