The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

Because no matter how bad he is, he’s better than any George Soros/Killary candidate. Trump will only steal your wallet and sentence you to serfdom. The Left will force you live in Section 8 housing and make you use food stamps, take your guns, and give your children condoms and then tell them where to get abortions when they forget to wear the condoms.

Damnit Joe Biden

So…this gaffe is on purpose? Qanon must be buzzing. Trump is going to try to return us to the pre-civil rights era!

Try? His Supreme Court has already gutted the VRA.

If all religions just instantly disappeared tomorrow, the world would be a better place. It’s got to be the most manipulated human creation in world history. Everyone using it for the their own purposes, usually for their own personal or political gains.

I can sympathize with the point of view, even if I don’t agree with the conclusion; religion has frequently been used as a tool of oppression and cruelty throughout the ages. However, I view such malice as an offshoot of human nature rather than something inherent to religion. Do we have some messed up things in religions? Yep. But to me, that’s a reflection of who we are. If religion wasn’t a thing, my pessimistic view is that we’d simply find something else to use to beat people over the head with.

Yeah, religion doesn’t make people evil.
Religion is just a tool that some bad people use to do bad things. Those people would just use something else to do their bad stuff if religion didn’t exist.

And for a few billion people, religion is an important part of their lives and how they engage their communities, and has all kinds of benefits to them and others.

Homophobia is rooted in religion. Cultures without religious homophobia are tolerant of LGBTs. There are centuries of oppression and murder that can be directly attributed to religion.


  • The Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, have traditionally forbidden sodomy, believing and teaching that such behavior is sinful.

  • While requiring uprightness in all matters of morality, whether sexual or otherwise, the Bahá’í teachings also take account of human frailty and call for tolerance and understanding in regard to human failings. In this context, to regard homosexuals with prejudice would be contrary to the spirit of the Bahá’í teachings.

  • Hinduism has taken various positions, ranging from positive to neutral or antagonistic. Referring to the nature of Samsara, the Rigveda, one of the four canonical sacred texts of Hinduism says ‘Vikruti Evam Prakriti’ (perversity/diversity is what nature is all about, or, what seems unnatural is also natural). A “third gender” has been acknowledged within Hinduism since Vedic times. Several Hindu texts, such as Manu Smriti and Sushruta Samhita, assert that some people are born with either mixed male and female natures, or sexually neuter, as a matter of natural biology. However, Hindu texts like the Manusmirti do treat Homosexuality as a sin legally punishable. in addition, each hindu denomination had developed distinct rules regarding sexuality, as hinduism is not unifyed and is decentralized in essence.
    Several Hindu religious laws contain injunctions against homosexual activity, while some Hindu theories do not condemn lesbian relations and some third-gendered individuals were highly regarded. Hindu groups are historically not unified regarding the issue of homosexuality, each one having a distinct doctrinal view

  • According to the Pāli Canon & Āgama (the Early Buddhist scriptures), there is not any saying that same or opposite gender relations have anything to do with sexual misconduct, and some Theravada monks express that same-gender relations do not violate the rule to avoid sexual misconduct, which means not having sex with someone under age (thus protected by their parents or guardians), someone betrothed or married and who have taken vows of religious celibacy.
    Some later traditions gradually began to add new restrictions on sexual misconduct, like non-vagina sex, though its situations seem involving coerced sex. This non-vagina sex as sexual misconduct view is not based on what Buddha’s said, but from some later Abhidharma texts.

  • Sikhism has no written view on the matter, but in 2005, a Sikh religious authority described homosexuality as “against the Sikh religion and the Sikh code of conduct and totally against the laws of nature,” and called on Sikhs to support laws against gay marriage. Many Sikhs are against this view, however, and state that the Sikh Scriptures promote equality and do not condemn homosexuality

  • Zoroastrianism - The man that lies with mankind as man lies with womankind, or as woman lies with mankind, is a man that is a Daeva [demon]; this man is a worshipper of the Daevas, a male paramour of the Daevas… the penance for a worshipper who submits to sodomy under force as “Eight hundred stripes with the Aspahe-astra, eight hundred stripes with the Sraosho-charana.” (equal to the penalty for breaking a contract with the value of an ox) and declares that for those participating voluntarily “For that deed there is nothing that can pay, nothing that can atone, nothing that can cleanse from it; it is a trespass for which there is no atonement, for ever and ever”.

  • There is no single official position on homosexuality in Taoism, as the term Taoism is used to describe a number of disparate religious traditions. In a similar way to Buddhism, Taoist schools sought throughout history to define what would be sexual misconduct. The precept against Sexual Misconduct is sex outside your marriage. The married spouses (夫婦) usually in Chinese suggest male with female, though the scripture itself does not explicitly say anything against same-gender relations. Many sorts of precepts mentioned in the Seven Slips of Cloudy Satchel (雲笈七籤), The Mini Daoist Canon, does not explicitly say anything against same-gender relations as well. Homosexuality is not unknown in Taoist history, such as during the Tang dynasty when Taoist nuns exchanged love poems. Attitudes about homosexuality within Taoism often reflect the values and sexual norms of broader Chinese society

Religious texts and traditions were created by mankind, so it seems logical to me that human/chicken came before the religion/egg; such bigoted feelings had to exist in the first place in order for them to have been perpetuated.

Religion isn’t the only system of thought subject to doctrinaire attitudes, fostering hatred, yada yada.

My beef with religion is that I don’t think its claims happen to be true. But without it I doubt we’d have trouble coming up with other reasons to kill each other. I suspect a lot of political ideologies fire off the same neuron patterns as religions anyway. They just don’t explicitly talk about supernatural entities.

Yeah, it’s tribalism. I guess religion is good at expanding the tribe beyond immediate geography. It’s a different way of attracting loyalty.

One of the interesting things I was once told from a Jewish person is that the religion doesn’t proselytize, unlike Christianity and Muslim faiths which are aggressive about proselytization. I have some respect for that.

Me too, but the difference in population size between Judaism and Christianity/Islam suggests that from a strictly Darwinian standpoint proselytization is a powerful adaptation.

Make America safe again [for Presidents]!

What a snowflake!

Setting aside whether it’s inherent in religion, there really isn’t any doubt that lots of people believe problematic things because they’ve been indoctrinated in those things for religious reasons since they were children. To that extent, it is religion that causes the malice.

If you really believe e.g. gay people are sinners or e.g. doctors who perform abortions are mass murderers of babies, and you believe these things because mom & dad & kind Father Joe told you that god said so from the time you were an infant, then your malice toward gay people is religious malice.

Religion doesn’t have to be evil, but it seems to be with alarming frequency.

When I said grab em by the pussy, I never thought I would be the pussy!

I think religion by itself isn’t the problem. Man required something and religion filled that void. But religions are run by people who take the tenets of that religion and subvert it to their own purpose. That has, and always will be, a problem. You see moderate and even liberal churches, and they are that way because their leadership wants it that way.

Well put.

I think it’s great that most religious folks somehow believe they were born into the one true religion.

Just because their parents happen to live in a particular area that mainly practices a particular religion, well that must be the true way of things.

In fairness, people tend to internalize that the way they grew up is the one true right way to live. That happens to include their religious beliefs but it’s hardly limited to or caused by religious beliefs.