The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

If you need to, check out this site for suggestions on where to throw some of that money:

Also, despite the fact that they will enhance your dancing performance, stay away from the sugary drinks. And have plenty of water before you go to bed.

Believe it was brought up in the BLM thread, but I’m thankful those of us out of work are able to contribute thanks to the unemployment stipend - for now. Living in a 90%+ white suburb I feel pretty powerless to help on the ground.

Well, that was pretty much a given - the man is a tin-pot dictator through and through.

7 months and some still to go…

They should allow one on the White House lawn. And then have it do donuts and leave.

Then everyone can look at the WH lawn and remember.

The thing is, whether De Blasio wants it or not, New York doesn’t need Trump to offer the National Guard. The New York National Guard is under the control of…the Governor of New York.

We are properly warned and, still, we will make the sacrifice!

It’s because they’re fascists.

(I know. I know. Rhetorical question. Still, why are we pussyfooting around at this point?)

Inspector DJT.

When you are the owner, you can walk in and inspect it whenever you want: the bunker and even the dressing rooms as I understand it.

He was only there for a tiny, short period of time. The rest of the time he was courageously staring down hardened antifa thugs.

Just a few images of the “Lowlife & Scum” from around the country yesterday.




By all means Mr. President, keep talking, keep tweeting, America is listening!

Reply of the day:

Took an inopportune drink of water while working with John Oliver in the background, and now my monitor has had a nice little dousing.

Talking about the “when the looting stars, the shooting starts” tweet…

“When the looting starts, the shooting starts, is actually a quote from a notoriously racist 1960’s Miami police chief. And it is truly outstanding how Donald Trump has managed to live 74 years with a remedial understanding of spelling, grammar, geography, science, civics, nutrition, and child development. And yet, he’s the fucking Library of Alexandria when it comes to racist maxims of the 20th century.”

The church photo op went so well, Donnie is already planning the next one.

He’s spending gobs of taxpayer funds on flying to South Dakota on July 3rd so he can be photographed standing in front of Mount Rushmore as Air Force jets fly overhead.

Pandemic? Bah! Protests all over the nation? Humbug! The show must go on.

Just scoping out where the best location for his hideous bust will be.

He’s gonna wite out Lincoln’s face and put his there.

I imagine right wingers have already replaced all four of them in pics with Trump, his two sons, and Ivanka.

It would be interesting to ask him at his Rushmore photo op to identify the four men on display. Because I absolutely guarantee he doesn’t know. He’d get Lincoln, that’s it. His gibbering word salad evasive answer would be for the ages.

Edit: he also might get Washington. No way he’s getting the other two.

I can pretty much envision the July 4th campaign commercial now.

"A Bull in a China shop, President Trump gets it done! He’s not your ordinary Washington insider, but tough times call for tough men. President Trump gets hard on Lowlifes and Scum. He beat the Chinese Coronavirus. He saved Washington from Antifa. He’s saving America from the Democrats every day.
Close up on Trump with Mt. Rushmore in background…jets go whoosh!
“I’m President Donald Trump and I approve this message.”