The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

To be fair, Biden committed plagiarism, and claimed other folks’ stories happened to him, and he got to be vice president.

I don’t believe we need to be fair anymore.

Just be aware that it’ll be thrown back as a counter to criticism.

So will the facts that Obama is a Kenyan and Hillary runs a child-sex ring.

But the Biden criticisms are actually true.


Sorry to have to reply to my own post, but I can’t resist sharing Mark Hamill as The Joker READING THAT TWEET. Perfection.

I think this is a movement we can all stand behind!

Great attitude, as noted in this prescient article from last year.

And in the 19th century, corsets were made out of whalebone, a historical fact nobody cares about anymore (along with facts in general.)

That article is all kinds of crazy by any standards. The only thing missing is references to pizza gate.

It was bitter sarcasm when written. Now, not so much. The left reacts to the idea of limiting government power with the laughable “you want to turn us into Somalia”. They have no concept of the danger of government power, and can’t even conceive of government power used to target them. Well now let them taste the power of an expansive government run by a right wing demagogue directed against them, and see if they still scoff at the idea of libertarianism. Probably they will learn nothing. Either way, I have not a shred of pity. This is the future you chose.

Don’t you get it, libtards? Trump is your fault!


Now, if we want to talk about the Clintons and the DLC saving the party only to destroy it starting in about 1990,that’s one thing. But dear Malathor is probably not going for that.

The first controversial DLC was actually Horse Armor in 2006, not 1990. Damn liberal media.

Hardly. I’ve always been a death penalty opponent. The democratic party lost its soul on Jan 24, 1992. From then on, it was all about power.

More of those outmoded fact things - it seems Crowley has been caught with her hand in the cookie jar* before - she also plagiarized chunks of an August 1999 Wall Street Journal reminiscence of her dear sweet departed boss from a 1988 Commentary article. The dear sweet boss she was commemorating? Why Richard Nixon, of course.

I will say that maybe just maybe focusing on plagiarism is less important than focusing on Trump appointing someone who thinks it’s a crying shame a paranoid, conspiratorial President was forced out of office merely for trying to rig an election and then cover it up.

*OK, I admit it - I stole that phrase from the article.

So then you don’t care about the fact that some woman plagiarized some book she wrote either.

Doesn’t look like a complaint to me, more like they leaking information about others leaking information to NBC? :)

There have been others, but Trump’s tweets have finally been given their proper voice (Edit: Ephraim already beat me to it):