The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

So, according to Perdue “shithole” vs “shithouse” is a gross misrepresentation by Durbin.

If Trump was taking a victory lap, the intention is pretty clear.

I mean, to be clear, Trump takes victory laps after particularly satisfying shits too but he likely had his hood and gown on during this one.

To me the North-South divide on racism is more about the diversity of races people have in mind when they talk about racism vs the actual raw amount of racism.

States in North (and West Coast) are more likely have a mixture of immigrants from Eastern European, African and Asian backgrounds with some nuanced viewpoints on each group vs the South where it’s more of a Whites vs Blacks/Latino thing.

Ha! This is a brilliant observation.

Government dollars at work. Sorting candy for a baby.

And he likes cherry. Mentally fit my ass.

Haiti: “Would you care to repeat your statement about our country?”

Something to put in the history books, but of no current relevance:

  1. Trump’s fans are utterly indifferent to the hypocrisy re: his golfing vs. Obama’s.
  2. Trump’s critics figure the less time he spends in the Oval Office, the better for all of us.

More government waste. They should outsource the sorting to private industry, where it belongs:

But he’s working when he’s out there! That’s their bullshit response, if they even have one.

Trump will probably go down in history as the laziest president we have ever had.

Nah. FDR was so damn lazy, he had them wheel him everywhere. Dude never even got up. Everyone knows that Democrats are just the laziest.

Obama was the laziest. You know how those people are…

I have to say, the Daily Beast story seems like a whole lot of nothing. I read it earlier today and the Haiti connection is literally just that Duvalier bought a condo. The rest of the weirdly long article is rehashing previously reported stuff about how Trump likes and is happy to accept money from dictators.

They might be correct.

Yeah. It’s a little awkward for Trump, but odds are I’ve had random interactions with horrible people as well.

I once went on a date with Aziz Ansari…
