The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

I wonder if it came out that he paid the woman to have an abortion, would THAT actually sink his Evangelical support?

What was he supposed to do, leave the poor woman alone and abandoned in this world? What a kind, caring man, accepting her despite her evil ways, and providing financial support for her. Truly a man of God in every way.

Literally nothing can sink that support, because it’s based on a lack of principles, rather than principles themselves.

Maybe we will and maybe we won’t! Mwahaha!

He’s such an infant.

The Trump Organization’s golf courses are worth only a small fraction of what Donald Trump says they are. For example, the Trump Westchester Golf Club? Trump claimed it was worth $50 million on his financial disclosure form. But a recent lawsuit says the course is only worth $1.4 million.

And who is it that’s making these outrageous claim that Trump’s magnificent babies are almost worthless?

The Trump Organization. Because it doesn’t want to pay its taxes. (The Town of Ossining assessed the course at $15 million.)

Bah. Taxes are for the little people.

I find it impossible to believe a golf course is only worth that. Ah, I see.

You couldn’t build a muni in Iowa for that.

I don’t get it. Why should job creators also have to pay taxes?! It’s like being double taxed.

Note: sarcasm.

When a man’s right he’s right.

What an idiot. Under HIS Administration? The fuck? And “where is our Thank You America?”…fucking tone deaf moron. It’s the Kurdish Peshmerga, YPG/SDF and PYD that have done the lion’s share of the fighting. It’s the Kurds of Syria, Turkey and Iraq who have battled for every bloody square inch of IS territory from Iraq to Syria.

It’s those people, and others in the region, who are owed the “Thank You”. Sure, we gave them air power, weapons and advisors, but they’ve done the fighting and the dying. In thanks, there is a damn good chance we will simply say “Sorry” when the time comes to rebuild Iraq and Syria instead of giving them what they deserve, the homeland they’ve longed for for over a century.

It may not seem like it right now, but there is an opportunity in this region to bring a stability and a peace that hasn’t been seen since the end of the First World War. Do it right, and you could swing the balance in the Middle East towards peace and prosperity, ushering in a new Arab Spring movement towards democracy. Do it wrong, and we doom the entire region to more chaos and likely create an even more fanatical and powerful enemy than ISIS and Al Qaeda combined.

Unfortunately, I have zero faith in our current administration to do anything right in the region.

Phil Mudd might be my hero.

To measure the sentiment of the Android and iPhone tweets, we can count the number of words in each category:
[various charts]
Thus, Trump’s Android account uses about 40-80% more words related to disgust, sadness, fear, anger, and other “negative” sentiments than the iPhone account does. (The positive emotions weren’t different to a statistically significant extent).

Phil Mudd is a retired FBI guy. He’s become progressively more and more enraged at Trump’s bullshit as things have evolved. He used to be much more respectful, but he’s kind of dropped that as Trump has continued to just attack all of our institutions of law enforcement.

Not the hero we deserve, but he might be the one we need.

Okay, Bonnie Tyler.


Unless, you are pretty avid CNN watcher you probably don’t appreciate the huge change in Miud’s attitude and language. A year ago, he sounded like a Republican senator, “troubling, concerning, very unusual”. Now Trump is a just a dirtbag.