The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

I don’t think Europe should rely on the US for protection. Trump’s election and behavior since proves that we can’t always be relied upon, as does the lack of willingness to rein him in from Republicans in Congress.

And Europe should have greater responsibility to protect themselves, IMO. From an American point of view, I would like a stronger partner.

This is so funny, though. Trump has been stomping around about Europe being pussies, not paying us protection money, and threatens to leave NATO… then bitches when Macron talks about a European military force. The guy is such an utter fucking moron, it kills me.

I tend to agree. An unified European military (or at least an EU wide army coexisting with smaller national forces like the American National Guard) is a necessary step forward towards security and political integration of the EU.

Plus, Macron is right we can’t (and probably shouldn’t anyway) rely on the US anymore.

A “pro” would be that our shared democratic ideals would gain another guardian.

A “con” would be that ambitious disgruntled career military persons would come closer to political power. (People are so smitten by men in uniform, who sometimes - to put it kindly - exercise poor judgment when given the opportunity. Would the US have invaded Iraq without Colin Powell championing the war?)

Or famed National Guard pilot George W. Bush?

I’m trying to look up whether the US military were isolationists before US entry into WWII.


(Am I sounding too harsh?)

Our slacker-in-chief is skipping the 100th anniversary of the Armistice because of a little rain. Instead he’s sulking like Achilles in his tent. (Read a book!)

People are saying this is like that time the Trump White House lied about cancelling a press availability citing the weather even though it wasn’t actually raining. But I think that does a disservice to Trump - they aren’t taking into account his disability.

I mean, when you’re a wicked witch, you have to take extraordinary precautions to avoid melting.

From the heartbreaking stories and video clips coming from entire CA towns burning in the ongoing wildfires, Trump found a reason to bash CA.

No words of empathy.

I was just coming to post that. It’s not even bashing. He’s actively threatening them while their towns burn.

What an ass. Not only is he wrong…forest management is only part of the problem…but rubbing salt in the wounds for the people affected. But I suppose it’s only to be expected from the “I care only about my base” President…screw those blue-voting California people!

In case anyone wants some info on one non-forest-management big reason behind fires, I’ll repost this excellent 99PI podcast about designing housing to resist fires.

I wonder which FOX show recently had a talking head on it that complained about forest mismanagement.

In any case, 57% of the forest land in California is managed by … the federal government.

State and local authorities manage a whopping 3%.

See how much damage they can do with only 3% control? Maybe this whole state’s rights thing needs some rethinking.

Maybe it’s better if he stays in a tent instead of trying to diplomat.

“…ou les journalistes, contrairement a leurs confreres americains, ne produisent pas de ‘fake news.’”

What a douche.

“Ne pas de fake news!”

Cadet Bone Spurs, missing the point, plays hooky on making an appearance for Memorial Day:

Well, if the chopper pilot won’t fly, I doubt Trump has any say in that.

I guess he could have asked for a motorcade, dunno about the procedure/turnaround time etc. on something like that.

Please. If it involved golf or sleeping with a porn star the “procedure/turnaround” would be automatic/immediate.


I mean he is the POTUS, much as we may hate that. If he wanted to be there, it could happen.

Just like how when he wants to be at his Mar a Lago estate the cost of housing the secret service isn’t a problem. Why they’ll even pay overtime and the hotel full rate for that. See, he makes sure that what is important* gets done.

*lining his pockets.

Priorities, dude.

no stamina