The Americans (FX)

That was great, and so was the look Stan gave John Boy at the end after the Director told Stan that John Boy and his crew could go fuck themselves.

I really hope now that Pastor Tim is just a Pastor so this doesn’t just fizzle out in the beginning of next season.

As opposed to the other theory about Pastor Tim, i.e., that…
other theory

he’s another agent of “The Center” who’s there to test whether Paige can handle becoming a Soviet agent?

Some woman pulled an Elizabeth and grabbed major plot summaries and other spoilers for this coming season!


This show is too good for me to spoil! Will not look.

Season premiere was tonight (still running in the Pacific time zone). Anyone watch it? Is this season 4 already? Hard to believe.

On the 10th episode of Season 3. My god this a great, great series. I’m so glad that Fx is keeping with it despite the mediocre ratings.

Nothing too spectacular in the season premiere, as it was largely about setting up the rest of the season, which is to be expected. The previews of upcoming episodes strongly suggest that Paige is going to go beyond Pastor Tim in exposing Philip and Elizabeth.

So, I can’t remember now, did “Phil” admit to Martha that he’s a spy, or just that he looks nothing like the “Clark” character. Now that he’s admitted to murdering their colleague, I don’t see how she can think he somehow still works for some watchdog agency of the government.

I just finished watching the last season 3 episodes and the first episode of season 4. What Martha knows about Clark is confusing. She said that she knows that he doesn’t work for FBI internal security group because the agent doing the investigation is doing Clark’s job. But AFAIK he has not said anything about who he actually is.

I guess there is just a tact, agreement between them that more she knows the worse it will be for everybody. But I feel like there is more that should have happened besides taking out the wig.

Martha is very confused, but Martha still thinks they are really married. I think that’s what he is latching on.

Notice the confidence with how he says he doesn’t want to put Martha in any more danger… Then when she says it’s ok, dumps the assignment reports they need (that is, whether when it will be safe to do their mission.) I suspect Phil had no doubt it was the right time to ask.

Something else interesting about their interaction - he tells Martha about having bad memories about his childhood (the rock). He doesn’t give more details, and I understand he just told a room full of people. I suppose he also discussed it with Sandra in some way, after all she as in the room and was listening. He still has not told Elizabeth - that would brand him as weak and broken? Not sure what’s going on there. Does confessing in Martha imply that Phillip is coming to terms with it, by telling more people, or that he does feel some trust to Martha?

If the later, that is dangerous! Developing feelings for your asset seems to be the same error Stan did on Nina.

I think Phillip sharing a piece of the thing that’s actually been bothering him shows he’s more comfortable with Martha than his wife, in some ways.

They write Elizabeth really creepily on this show. Like sometimes she seems human, like she actually feel something when she killed the old lady in the mail robot repair shop. But other times when Phillip is clearly disturbed she asks like she doesn’t even understand why he might be disturbed, she’s just bewildered that he has any guilt. She’s like part terminator.

Just started watching this last night (season 1), so I’m not reading the thread in depth, but wondering if there’s anything I should know about the show as I’m starting it. You know, like “be patient through the second half of Season 1” or “there’s a cruddy subplot with so-and-so” or “you’re about to be swept away on a wave of television nirvana.”

Don’t even skim the thread, full of spoilers. I don’t think there are any dips in quality worth knowing about. It’s still great at the end of Season 3.

I like this.

I like Elizabeth is really cold. Yet, she’s so still so human. I wouldn’t call her a psychopath or a robot. Maybe I’m blinded by the pretty exterior.

As with all good TV / cable shows now, I’m catching up online (Amazon Prime with this one) after there are enough seasons to justify the investment.

Avoiding spoilers.

A third of the way through Season 2, and this is ringing all my bells. I like well-done period pieces. I was in my 20’s in the 80’s, I remember the shadow of the USSR. I don’t know that there were really deep cover KGB agents like this in place here, but it makes for a good tale well-told.

[edit - I did find one fault with the “period piece” part. It was Ep 3 or 4 of Season 2. An aerial shot that was just a 5-second filler, and it showed one of my company’s power plants, front-and-center, with a sign on it that wasn’t put there until 2007. Actually, the plant wasn’t even there until 1989.]

I believe that S4 will be the season of mistakes:

  • Paige confiding in Preacher
  • Preacher overplaying his hand with Paige
  • Philip and EST
  • Philip and the Martha reveal
  • Stan and Oleg and the deal

Has there been any mention lately of what year it’s supposed to be? I’m figuring '83 at least, maybe '84. Tonight’s show may give us a clue. If the computer is a 128K Mac we’ll know it’s '84.

According to Wikipedia, EST training apparently ended late in 1984 and Reagan was shot in 1981. They handled the Reagan assassination attempt back in 2013. It would have to be 1984 at the latest, but possibly still '83.

This show. I have to take a break mid episode I’m so stressed watching it sometimes.