The Americans (FX)

So your show killed off Nina Krilova. Why are you history’s greatest monsters?

Joe: We’re hearing that a lot. You know, it had to happen. She had done so many terrible things, and the Soviets were getting fed up with her. They could only give her so many chances.

Joel: And we didn’t do anything.

The Supreme Soviet did it.

Joel: Yes, and very officially, too we might add.

Hey, TWD, THAT’S how you knock off a major character! Although I was getting bored with the whole Nina story line, I was fairly shocked when they shot her and will miss her little pouty face.

I didn’t live there spent 2 weeks in 1989 and about month in 1993 and talked to quite a few Russians. I am just guessing that Henry and Stan’s friendship is going to eventually lead to Stan being suspicious again. In fact the whole idea that KGB is ok with their top agents, living across the street for FBI counter-terrorism agent always struck me as being pretty unbelievable. If I was the KGB handler, I’d have them move. They don’t have to leave DC just move across town, cause the want a bigger house, plannig on opening a new office or whatever.

Nina scene making me forget all these other things dropped on the Jennings:

  1. Stan went by to see what’s up with Miss Can’t Keep Mouth Shut. Erm, I guess Paige forgot to tell her parents too because they just went bowling instead.
  2. Liz asked Phillip if he wanted to run. If he had said yes, I think she would have supported the decision. She also, in her presumed deathbed, told Phil to never tell Henry, to keep the children safe and far away from all this. They almost died, they were very scared. Have to remember, because obviously they weren’t going to die to a silly virus. Maybe the handler and bioweapons guy. This is a big change in hardcore Liz.
  3. That Martha improvised lie! Oh, he’s married, oh how little you know, is this her subconscious telling her Phil could be married already?

Yeah, same here. I’m guessing they did that so when Russian whatshiname (Oleg Burov… had to IMBD search for the name) finds out will get pissed at his dad and turn and possibly defect. Total guess though but it’s the only thing that makes sense to me. Can anyone help me here. What was Stan doing in Martha’s apartment? He was looking around and found what? I thought at first he was searching for a place to plant a bug, but then it shows him looking through her drawers. He found a book, a gun, and I thought he found something else? Oh, he also took Polaroids of something… I couldn’t figure out why. I never saw him plant a bug or anything but I kept expecting it. Am I missing something?

He took the polaroids before he tore the place apart so he could put everything back the way it was when he was done. He’s adjusting the thrown blanket to match at the end there. I think the only conspicuous thing he found was the gun. Condoms and Kama Sutra were the other things that gave him pause.

I think Stan may have placed a bug somewhere, though we didn’t see it. He had a case with him when he went in.

The show didn’t really get much reaction out of me from Nina dying, guess I felt it coming. Her dying actually makes me excited to see what Oleg and Stan do. Also, most importantly, will Henry bang his teacher?

It was the other way around. Elizabeth says they can’t kill Tim and Philip somewhat excitedly asks if she wants to run.

Just caught up. That sun-lit version of the facility tipped me off immediately that Nina was dreaming, and from there my mind immediately went to a similar moment in Boardwalk Empire, so I was sure she was doomed right away too, but damn, I did not see it happening in such a sudden fashion. Ouch.

About 20 minutes into tonight’s show. Man, Martha is so boned.

And poor Gabriel had to sit on the couch and listen to her getting boned.


But seriously, given the way the episode ended, I think the best she can hope for is that the FBI gets to her first. However, since that would mean that Philip and Elizabeth are blown, I don’t think that’ll happen.

She’ll be sharing gossip with Nina soon.

Would it? Hasn’t he been careful about covering his tracks? All they would have is the safe-house location and descriptions of the three people she saw there.

…one of those three people is Philip, and she knows what he looks like undisguised, and Stan knows Philip, so I don’t think it’ll be that hard for him to put that together once he sees the police sketch artist version, especially if the FBI starts surveilling them in a serious manner.

Well that would make for a much more interesting show than offing her, so that’s what I’m hoping for. Save Martha!

That’s probably the way they’re going to go, now that you mention it.

It’s hard to believe they’d kill Martha so soon after Nina but…

Hey people who say that The Americans is the best show on TV, go watch Better Call Saul. That episode was pointless.

Assuming that you’re referring to tonight’s episode, I haven’t seen it yet. I wouldn’t take too seriously anyone that said that the Americans is the best show on TV (certainly not the level of Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul), but it’s not a bad show.

Edit: And of course they would end it with a cliffhanger…

It’s hard to see how Martha can stay relevant the show even if she’s alive. Either she’s in Russia or she’s in prison in the US, right? I guess the prison has the most potential but that would be pretty crazy!