The Americans (FX)

I had a few bad spots as well during the school scene and towards the end. Being in the bastard time zone, FX is west coast feed for us while everything else seems to be midwest.

What can I say - I spotted him as the mole [deadpan].

I’m on Comcast in Portland. The lack of reception was so bad it prompted me to call it in to customer service (after navigating through voicemail hell).

No problems at all on DirecTV here in SoCal for me.

I liked it. I’ve never been a huge fan of Keri Russell but I thought she did well enough. I’ll watch it again and see if it holds up.

Let’s hope not. I want the show to be good.

I thought it was okay but Keri Russell was distracting to me. In the same way people can’t watch Tom Cruise movies because all they see is Tom Cruise. I couldn’t separate Keri Russell from her character.

Yup, same deal, down to the TiVo.

By “down to the TiVo” you’re saying you also recorded it on a TiVo, not that it was the TiVo’s fault, right? Especially unlikely if you had the same problem during the exact same timeframe in the recording.

I had to look up her filmography to even figure out who she is. Even after that, I don’t quite see it, but I understand people have different reactions.

Also, Guess? jeans. That takes me back.

No, I don’t think it had anything to do with the TiVo, just a funny coincidence.

Papa, you didn’t like the Phil Collins number? I thought it was perfect for the scene. Admittedly, the song has been used a lot, that’s because it hits the right mood. It has a really sinister feel, without being overtly raucous.

Liked it, looking forward to tomorrow night. Really loved the music, recognized Tusk from the first drum beat – amazing how recognizable that song is. Queen of Hearts was a nice surprise too. Loved all the nice 80s touches. Luckily I never watched Felicity so not having that hang-up.

(9yo in 1981)

Liked the second episode. While the ol’ poison on the tip of the umbrella trick came straight from the news page, it was worked into the plot in an interesting way. And I liked the old switcheroo with the Americans getting a mole into the Russian Embassy, since that was a parallel to the start of the show.

So it looks like it’s going to be an intrigue-filled fest.

So I’m wondering-- is FBI Guy seriously suspecting the Jennings?

He suspected something in the first episode, but I’m not sure why that would continue.

I think they’ve hinted that he suspects everyone. His time undercover turned him seriously paranoid.

My neighbor growing up was an ex-narcotics officer. She worked undercover during the height of the crack-wars, when the violence was at its very worst.

I never knew paranoia till I met her. That job changed her.

It seems a bit similar to Walt and his brother-in-law in Breaking Bad - law enforcement guy sees the actual guy he is after socially all the time. Will he figure it out, or won’t he?

I guess I’m still watching. It’s okay. The pacing is a little slow, and I’d like more spycraft and less relationship drama.