The Americans (FX)

I actually didn’t remember when I was watching yesterday at 1 AM. I only remembered when I read Papageno ask.

Did Keri Russell always have that birthmark or whatever on her left cheek or is that just this character? (I never watched Felicity or anything else she had an ongoing role in.)

And damn was this a brutal episode and I’m only halfway through it.

I think there was a previous attempt to get that guy out that didn’t work out and I guess she took some damage. I first noticed it last episode when she was on the phone with Philip saying work was tough and that she needed more help. I was expecting Philip to mention it when he met up with her, but nope.

Really liked this episode overall, hard to believe this is the final season though, it really doesn’t feel like it to me. I’m not quite sure they earned Stan’s b&e adventure, made him seem more like a creepy weirdo to me, but it was still a good scene. Also that garage scene with no dialogue was great. I love how this show takes its time with scenes like that.

When Stan came up to the breaker panel, I was freaking out a little bit, heh.
What was Stan’s mention of the “Illegals” they didn’t catch in Pittsburgh (?) about, in the conversation with Aderholt? Did that touch on anything we know P. and E. did?

This was my favorite episode of the season. I really loved watching Stan’s FBI spider sense getting activated. (Didn’t he do a bit of B&E of Phillip’s house when they first meet season 1 or 2?).

I’m trying to remember what what went on Pittsburgh wasn’t that the starting place for the bio weapon operation and the folks got buried there.

I’m think Stan catching P&E will be the best betrayal since Hank discovered the Heisenberg is really Walter White in Breaking Bad. The similarities are really striking both men were 2nd father to the main characters sons, and consider character their best friend. Stan is such decent man, I think the revelation will be harder to watch. I have know idea do Phil and Elizabeth end up arrested or dead? What happens to Paige and Henry? Or does Elizabeth end up killing Stan or his ex-partner?

If I had to guess?


Phil eventually flips, trying to keep his family out of it
Elizabeth dies when she still tries to continue the mission
Paige freaks out, finds out Phil was to “blame” and kills him, then herself
Henry becomes a child of the state, and Stan thinks about adopting him, but instead just provides some help for the family which does.

BTW, when Stan was doing his extrajudicial search, I noticed him picking up a necklace of Elizabeth’s, which reminded me of the fan theory of how the FBI finally catches our heroes(?).

Only three episodes left, right? How are they going to wrap this up?


I don’t think Elizabeth survives, because she’s going to go down fighting, maybe killing Stan in the process? Phillip will try to make a deal and defect to save Paige’s future, Henry’s and his own. Whether it’ll work who knows.

I’ll go out on a limb and say there will not be a happy ending for anyone. Great show.

The necklace, of course, is a reminder of the one she’s currently wearing. I wonder if that’s how she’ll go out.

That too, but the fan theory is that way back when Phillip had slept with his old flame and Elizabeth was mad at him, he had bought her a necklace, but she had rejected the gift and he opportunistically gave it to Martha. Said necklace was probably bought by Phillip as Phillip and was also presumably collected by the FBI when Martha was burned–the FBI just hasn’t done their homework on it yet.

Oh man, only two episodes left!!

And in tonight’s, I totally thought that kid was dead meat. And WTF, Elizabeth’s not blindly following orders now?

Two things: 1)Was Philip getting fitted for his burial suit? I can’t think of another reason for him to be buying a new suit; and 2) “She smoked like a chimney!”

I really liked how they did the canvas scene.

Oh no, she’s burning it.
Yay she’s keeping it!
NOOOO she’s burning it.

BTW, in the preview for next week’s show, we see…

(Don’t read if you don’t want to be spoiled, seriously)

…Aderholt poo-pooing the idea of P and E being Russian spies, which means that Stan is escalating things. And Stan talking to Pastor Tim!!!

OMG OMG, just watching that phone conversation now between Stan and the person I mentioned. You can tell Stan wasn’t buying Pastor Tim’s answers.

Jeez was that a cracker of an episode.

So in the preview for the series finale, we see: Philip, Elizabeth and Paige fleeing in their car. I’m wondering if we find out whether they get away or whether the series will end on a question mark.

And the look on Elizabeth’s face when she got the phone call from Philip. Wow!

I haven’t watched it yet so I’m typing with my eyes closed.

I haven’t seen anyone with punk haircuts. You know, mohawks and whatever. Were they just not that common back in the day, or was suburban Virginia the wrong place for it?

The latter, I think. That stuff would have been seen way more often in NYC/LA, Seattle and to a lesser extent, Portland.

Man, I can’t really judge until next week’s finale, but it sure feels like there’s another three or four episodes of ground they could cover now, not one. This season has been great, but I really think last season’s material should’ve been compressed into half as many episodes and what they’re covering now should’ve been expanded to fill the rest of last season plus this final season.

Agreed. Last season was way too slow.