The Assorted "WTF, 2020?" Thread

Wait, wait, I’ve seen this movie

I would hope Yahweh would have made separate accommodations with sentient beings on another world. But he seems a capricious fellow, so who knows.

He? Even us Jews (well, non-Orthodox at least) have changed the pronouns in the prayer book to be non-gendered! But, yeah, They sure are a bit inconsistent!


workers at the Merseyside attraction say they have spotted the primates armed with knives, screwdrivers and even a chainsaw. Keepers have become suspicious in recent weeks that the baboons are being armed with weapons “for a laugh” by visitors keen to enhance their car-destroying abilities.

I feel like Limbo would end up being a pretty weird place. Dante would have seen the few hundred thousand noble pagans from Earth who were not sinful but were ignorant of Christ, plus several hundred trillion Klackons, a couple dozen machine collective consciousness, a couple of energy-entity civilizations, a few crystalline beings, etc. etc.

C.S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy takes that approach.

Some of the weirdest books I’ve ever read.

I’m not typically one to recommend reading twitter replies but it is kind of funny to see the whole staff of News Center Maine come out of the woodwork to defend the initial post and attack the people who find the story horrific.

Old news, but I hadn’t heard of it until now:

… which led to this:

Free food for coins. Free, for coins. Hmmm…

I think the idea is you give them $10 of coins, you get $10 bill+ free food.

ah, bad search tools, never change (HAHA CHANGE, GET IT?)

Ya, from the article:

A Chick-fil-A in Lynchburg, Va., will provide coupons for a free entree for every $10 in rolled coins that guests provide, in addition to the same value in cash, according to the store’s Facebook post. Each guest is limited to 10 coupons maximum.

Twitter today:


I would say that’s a wrap on July 2020, but we have 3.5 more days left so . . . yeah.

Yes, I’m just making a joke of the phrasing.

Guess money really is limited, after all.

My pocket of far too much random change is still worth… basically nothing.

Though I’ll do my part and try to pay exact change for a while.

A US ambassador honoring those who died in WWI & II.