The Biden Won & it's OVER, Deep dish pizza is delicious, & Gilmore Girls is awesome thread

Yep, I’m in basically the same (cushy) boat. It actually screws younger, healthier employees in favor of older ones, since the older ones determine what the company pays for health insurance. Now that my warranty is expiring, I appreciate the subsidy all the more.

Since my wife has a number of health related issues and fulfills her out-of-pocket max in May or June I love my health insurance! In fact, if I retire before the age of 65 I am pretty sure I will just continue using it for the 18 months I’m allowed to under COBRA. Even at 1000 bucks a month I suspect it will be better than anything else I could get on the marketplace

I’m hard pressed to think of a single medium or large tech company in Silicon Valley, that does not provide free health care to its employees. Kevin go to Glassdoor and start looking at tech companies in Silicon Valley or Austin, you’ll see the pretty much all offer free health care.

I was an upper middle class worker and I would have loved MFA. I never had an experience with a health insurance company that was not a sick joke. You need to get out of your volcano-lair and get a feel for what life is actually like for Americans.

I don’t care about your anecdota when there is actual data on this question. Sorry!

Maybe it is the case that most people, the stunning overwhelming majority of people, probably something like 99% of the people, don’t work in Silicon Valley tech companies?

March 2020 civilian worker single coverage estimates show that:

  • 14 percent of workers participated in medical care plans without an employee contribution requirement where the average employer premium was $605.20 per month.
  • 86 percent of workers participated in medical care plans with an employee contribution requirement where employees paid $138.76 and employers paid $459.70 per month.
  • 72 percent of workers participating in single coverage medical plans with contribution requirement had a flat-dollar premium and the median amount was $120.06.2

Crazy! I’ve seriously never heard of it 'round here. I’m sure I could go find something if looked specifically, but like I said I don’t know a single person that has that kind of arrangement.

EDIT: And sorry if I sounded like I was trying to use anecdote as proof against your statement, that wasn’t how I intended it. It was more like “that sounds like a fairy tale in my life experience!” kind of surprise.

That’s the thing though… it’s not what many progressives want. Or at least it’s not what they THINK they want.

Because when such a thing was proposed by folks like Pete, he was crucified by the left for it. The argument, weak though it may be, was that if you don’t force everyone to have medicare then somehow the GOP would kill the program (which is absurd on its face, given they can’t even kill it now, with far LESS people on it).

YOUR position is rational… The idea of simply allowing people to get government healthcare if they want is clearly a workable, pragmatic plan. But the far left absolutely railed against it, over and over again, even though it will absolutely get to where they want to go.

They railed against it in the primaries because their position was MFA or nothing.

But that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t support it.

Ok interesting data, I would have guessed that was between 1/3 to 1/2 had free health care. So lets use the Median figure employees pay $1,440/year for health insurance. It is still not obvious, how somebody making $100-200K a year comes out ahead, with MFA.

And how many individuals, exactly, make $100k per year? Because you’re quoting the premium for single, employee-only coverage.

The answer? If you’re an individual with an income of $100k per year, you’re in the top 15% of income. If you’re making $200k, you’re in the top 3%.

No problem, as I said I’m genuinely surprised that tech company anywhere in the US doesn’t offer free health care for devlopers. I was also covered under girlfriends plan, who worked for Kaiser. Her plan was amazing virtually everything was free. Now most Kaiser employees had much worse plan but the premiums were free.
But clearly, Silicon Valley is bigger bubble than I realized when it came to benefits.

Medicare is crap insurance and not designed for the young and people in their prime.

They need to stop humoring the sociopath.

This is not accurate. It is heavily subsidized, but not 100%.

This is some Grade A BS.

15% isn’t nothing when it comes to voting blocs, it is more than blacks and less than Hispanics. I’m just trying to understand that political benefit of pushing a program that has the potential of losing votes, when the alternative accomplish the same goal, but doesn’t raise taxes on the $100-$200K group.

Also, even for companies that offer a free option, that will only cover the employee themselves and no one else.
Coverage for the rest of family is seperate and would incur additional cost.

Biden lead is at 12,651 in Georgia. 84 of 159 counties have certified results.

Deadline to certify is Friday.

Maybe we should just change the thread title to “Post election and Health Insurance Free For All”?