The Black Lives Matter movement

Moving this to another thread, here was @Paul_cze’s original post:

[Poll] Star Trek: Discovery vs. Orville - #96 by Paul_cze

You may not think you are a racist, but you are a racist, and your actions are enabling other racists and hurting vulnerable minorities particularly children, but hey, I’m sure it’s all worth it for your little laugh.

As far as bringing up a three year old post, that’s exactly how racism works. You don’t forget when people have yelled racist comments at you, you don’t forget when you see racist jokes on TV.

It builds up and eats away at your soul.

You can try to keep it down and try to forget it, but it gets triggered when you see something racist in the news, or worse hear or see racism in person. It all adds up and when it gets triggered, it all wells back up. The realization, the memory that our society considers you less than worthwhile, that our society thinks this thing that you are, that is intrinsically part of you, that you cannot change and cannot avoid, is something that is worthy of a laugh or worthy of contempt. It’s something that’s worthy of kids you’ve never met following you around a campground yelling at them. Or that it’s worthy of someone slowing down their car and yelling racist crap at you while you’re just minding your business bicycling along the roadside.

All the pain just builds up and wells forth when triggered.

You and your ilk are what perpetuate the racism that inflicts our world. Casual uncaring, you say it’s okay because you get a laugh out of it, without any thought to the people you hurt or the environment that you have helped perpetuate.

You and people like you are exactly why we have racism in this world.