The Black Lives Matter movement

Not to put too fine a point on it, it’s easy to take that position from the position of the majority. It’s basically saying All Live Matters, while trying to avoid saying that, and I think a lot of us here understand why that position is an unreasonable position to take.

This just seems like a crazed racist who took his day out on some poor black teenager. Assuming the law actually runs its course on the guy (and maybe that is a big assumption), I see the guy paying for the life he took. Not that it would ever make it up to the family.

I always thought BLM was more about systemic racism.

The system starts with the public. You can’t change the system if you can’t get the public to even acknowledge there is a problem. We have a large part of the population who thinks racism is over and there is no problem.

They are deaf, dumb and blind. But they do exist.

Totally get that, I truly do. As I said above, I respect that the need exists, I just look forward to the day where it doesn’t, where we see a president, not a black president or a woman president. Not a white person, or a Hispanic person, or a person of color, just a person.

A human being.

That’s a beautiful dream, isn’t it? I don’t think we’ll achieve it in our lifetime. But one can hope.

Is that one of those Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey? (it sure sounds like one)

Yes it is!

I think it’s a bit different. I think a bunch of people just wish it were over and they didn’t have to hear about it anymore. It would be easier that way.

From the position of a minority “all lives matter” is a broad egalitarian concept that promotes race blind equality for the good of society and would be far more of a boon if it wasn’t twisted by the right and demonised by the left.

I guess, if you don’t understand that the retort “all lives matter” is just a defence of the status quo (where black lives really don’t matter).

Yeah, that isn’t the point, but congrats on playing anyway.

Unlike many I don’t see “all lives matter” as being inherently racist but I do think it is inherently ignorant. It attempts to co-op the reason for BLM, without addressing the problem.

Agreed. It is amazing how so many on the right blame Obama for the racism in America because things were quiet before he came along. I can’t think of anything more racist than blaming the black man for racism.

For christ’s sake. It’s not “inherently racist” in a vacuum. This is obvious to everyone with a pulse.

What is racist is that oh, 95% of the time it’s used it’s as a “nuh-uh!” to the statement/movement that Black Lives Matter.

It’s “you’re the real racist” for 2016.

Come on, this is elementary level stuff.

It’s patently obvious that “all lives matter” is just a reflexive response to “black lives matter”. And we also have data to prove it of course:,all%20lives%20matter

Clearly, the fact that people have this subconscious reflex to talk over others who merely want to declare that their lives matter has a racist element to it.

Again people can claim all they want that it’s not racist to declare that “all lives matter” - and in an isolated bubble, that’s of course true. But the fact is that “all lives matter” is only ever used as a direct response to “black lives matter”, and that is what clearly makes it racist.

“All lives matter” is a principle.

“Black lives matter” is a reminder.

Well stated.

Unlike many here I don’t see everything in a racist/not racist scale. Internet forums provide a chamber which allows many to believe what they think or experience is “what is real”. I don’t believe that. There are people, good people, who see the term 'all lives matter" and believe it represents the best ideal. They aren’t surrounded by internet voices telling them that of course that is racist. And I reject that those internet voices are always right.

As I have written here before, I think choosing the term “Black Lives Matter” was a mistake that could have been fixed by merely adding the word “too”. I agree with the concept, I disagree with the methods. And of course, I will agree to your right to disagree with me.

This has always been my position as well. Word choice matters and picking stupidly lets people who don’t have the time or interest to dig down into the details a foundation to understand. Black Lives Matter Too would make the case pretty damned quickly and clearly, but Black Lives Matter comes off as “and other lives don’t” which is, naturally, the instant response by the racists that easily resonated with people. Because of course all lives matter, what the fuck is wrong with you?