The Black Lives Matter movement

How many jails do we have filled again with random white people who accused a non-existent black man in a hoodie of a crime? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Nah, because this is a real thing that happened. It’s a real case, that they can tell other ignorant but perhaps neutral people about, and help make them racist, or help make them ignore real problems.

And even beyond that, this guy created a fictional account of him being attacked by white guys. He was actively trying to stoke racial tensions at a dinner when there’s really no shortage of that.

And he did it for entirely selfish, bullshit reasons.

We can’t even put the white men who actually shot the black kid in jail.

‘Nah’ is doing a lot of work here. How long do you think it would take to find some examples of white people making this claim before this fellow even appeared on their radar screen?

Not sure why you really want to go to the mat to defend a felon.

Seriously, what exactly makes this guy worthy of getting a pass? Because we all know why he’s getting one, right? Because he’s rich and famous. And that’s bull.

The fact that he’s black doesn’t make it less bull.

I’m not defending him. Are you unable to read?

Fuck him. But I’m afraid I can’t get worked up about the travesty that has Rahm so worked up when cops who murder people walk every time. On the travesty scale, this doesn’t register.

The fact that he is black is the reason it’s still being talked about. We probably don’t even have to go back a month to find some white person who did the same damn thing.

His career is probably toast. The police department fucked it up… it’s over.

Also, too: This is a thing you do, and you should stop.

> The overwhelming majority of these cases have involved white accusers implicating black people, and the consequences have often been grievous.

It sucks this guy did what he did, but something went wrong with the case, and guess what… just in case it was missed

The overwhelming majority of these cases have involved white accusers implicating black people, and the consequences have often been grievous.

How, exactly, is this material? Serious question, I’m curious as to exactly what you are thinking in this regard.

Like quoting incomplete sentence fragments?

Did I miss the part where every single time this came up everyone said the same thing you just did… because it doesn’t and hasn’t happened.

He’s not getting a pass. He’s not being defended, but wow if you find frustration with this one case, get back to me when it’s 100.

No, like lying about what other people say. It’s a habit of yours, and you ought to stop.

I’m still not getting what you are saying here.

Is it that such cases aren’t that bad, and this guy was being charged too harshly, and that it would have been unfair compared to other cases?

It seems like you are saying that you don’t really care very much that he got off with essentially no real punishment from the legal system. Is this accurate? It’s fine if it is, I’m honestly trying to figure out exactly what you think here, since you are saying that you aren’t defending this guy. Likewise, if it’s not, then I’m not clear on what your position is regarding the case.

It sounds like he lied to the cops, fabricated an event that didn’t occur and tugged on heart strings and pain and humiliation and anger and despair all so he could get a higher paycheck. That is despicable; it’s disgusting and if the cops didn’t screw it up, and it kind of sounds like the department did screw this up, badly, he should be prosecuted. Since they can’t, it’s the end of the story.

Of course I care. At no point did I really say I I didn’t care, but Timex, this happens all the time. ALL the time. Where is your outrage when that happens. Where are the articles, the demands for the highest punishment possible? Where is the endless amounts of Social Media posts that say hey, thanks to this person, we can’t take white people complaining about black people seriously? And you know why that’s not there… because the system is not equal. You want me to get angry, to demand justice for when a single black man does something selfish, greedy and very likely illegal… but you don’t require that same standard for any other time it happens.

This situation happens all the time, has been for decades, for years, people died, were tortured, thrown in prison, beaten up and profiled over those events, and they barely got a blink of an eye.

America already decided they didn’t care about this, but today it’s different… why? Because he’s black and not just an average we don’t care about black, he’s some sort of celebrity and now, now after generations of not giving a shit when it happens to black people instead of because of a black person, now we care… that’s also disgusting.

Cool, so we are on the same page. That’s why I asked.

Well, I think that part of this is that this case is way more high profile, largely because the guy himself did it as a publicity stunt.

In terms of whether other people who do this kind of thing should be punished more harshly? I think they absolutely should. Go find a case where it happened, and I’ll give you exactly the same opinion.

While not a racial case, there was that idiot who carved a B into her own face, backwards, to try and place blame on Obama supporters. She was an idiot, and totally should have gone to jail (i think she got probation).

Well, i think that part of it might have been that the guy made up this story, and went on television shows to talk about it and play the story up to a national audience of millions, before he got caught lying.

You gotta admit, that makes this case somewhat unique.

Which isn’t to say that other cases don’t deserve to be treated equally. But it explains why this one gets more attention.

Susan Smith drowned her children and blamed it no an non-existent black guy. I do not recall the media and and a number of news casters saying well a white woman lied about a black man, I guess we can’t believe white women anymore. That was a national case, made headlines, and she actually murdered her babies.

The fact that he is a celebrity explains why it made national news, quickly and easily, it does not explain everyone eager to say, whelp, not the racists get more credit and it’s “their” fault, and we should doubt the next one.

Well, yeah…
The focal point was the fact that she committed a double homicide of her own children.

I mean, that kind of thing has a way of pushing everything else into the background.

Also, she got life in prison without parole.

And what, because she’s a murderer the fact she was easily able to blame a black man suddenly doesn’t matter… come on Timex. There are no shortage of excuses for this… always a new reason not to pay attention.

So no, I am not going to get anymore excited about this than I have. The police obviously screwed something up. The racists are still racists, and the next time some random black man or just black men are blamed America will do what it always does, just shrug.

Eh… i mean, she went to jail for the maximum amount of time. She got, like, the worst possible punishment that the criminal justice system could dish out.

I’m not sure how she could have been punished any more for filling a false report.

Did I say Susan Smith or did I say America? She chose a black man for a reason. You want to ignore that, play dumb. Fine. Go ahead. I can’t stop you, but if you don’t understand why this oh well now the racists win response is insulting and infuriating, especially considering the history of these sorts of events, then it’s no wonder you can’t understand where some of us are coming from. You don’t seem to want to understand.