The brilliant Quadrilateral Cowboy finishes what Gravity Bone started

Title The brilliant Quadrilateral Cowboy finishes what Gravity Bone started
Author Tom Chick
Posted in Game reviews
When July 27, 2016

There's a bit of The Witness in Quadrilateral Cowboy. Just a tiny bit. The Witness is a game about teaching you how to play The Witness. Period. Full stop. Quadrilateral Cowboy is, at times, a game about teaching you how to play Quadrilateral Cowboy. Dot, dot, dot..

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Awesome. I'm really glad you mentioned the music.

"Good games are never long enough and bad games are never short enough." Yeah, the good old Roger Ebert school of movie runtime. I'm a big fan of economy as well - another reason I love pink music so much. Why spend five minutes on a song when you can do it in two? Get in, say your piece, get out.

I love the line about the game getting a scholarship from Bechdel.

Tom, the mentioning of the interview with Chung has prompted me not to forget that I miss your podcasts where you talk with indie (or other) developers. :(

That applies all the more to videogames. With songs, it's a matter of minutes. With movies, the wiggle room is rarely more than an hour. But games? Egad. Life is too short to play bad games.

Thanks for bringing that up, ridiculus. I miss those, too. I really need to make the games podcast as regular a thing as the movie podcast. :(

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