The Compleat Retro Shooter thread

A nice collection of HL2 maps/mods

Relevant to the thread

Just an update for anybody affected:
Nightdive has patched in the reverse Y-axis option for Powerslave Exhumed. Woo!
This is something I’ve rarely seen patched in if it wasn’t there already in other games, so GOOD ON YA Nightdive!

Nightmare Reaper is out


The art style reminds me of XIII and Outlaws, except more detailed than those two. That particular look has aged well, I agree.

I enthusiastically second any recommendation to get Nightmare Reaper. It’s quite the ride.

I like Forgive Me Father early in, but the voice acting is not good. Also, it’s obnoxious to have to re-examine story items when you end up having to replay a section of a level. Although I assume this only counts for achievements or something, but I’ve already given up.

Nightmare Reaper I haven’t touched in ages, but I’m excited to see it has finally come out.

I’m enjoying the style of Forgive me Father, but I’m finding it a bit… easy. The weapon upgrade system is a bit weird, don’t think I like getting locked into certain decisions without a clear idea as to how either option A or B really compare and there’s no way to ‘undo’ your choice short of restarting the level. Kinda regret turning the burst gun into a grenade launcher. Plus I agree with peacedog’s criticisms - the VA is bad.

Do actually kinda like the shotgun sfx tho.

She’s awfully chipper for the situation she’s in. Something that you can pull off if you’re an undead cowboy, but not so much if you’re supposed to be a writer. In retrospect, the VA isn’t entirely to blame for that.

No - it is pretty good! Just didn’t have anything in that area I guess, didn’t notice until you pointed it out!

I went XP gain then with the semi-auto pistol - a single point upgrade which is honestly a really solid choice. Loses a bit of damage but very rapid firing and accurate. Plus plenty of ammo lying around for it, unlike other weapons.

My other choices were more haphazard, though I think I’ve leant more toward picking the trees where you can select 2 upgrades rather than just 1 for most weapons.

I finished it this morning - would’ve done so last night but the end boss was a toughie - and I really quite enjoyed it. Some really cool level design in there especially from the midpoint onwards - though the last level (or two) has a bunch of jump puzzles going on and, well, this won’t be joining the [very] short list of ‘FPS games that have cool jumping mechanics’.

Biggest complaint would be the upgrade system. When I finished I was level 15. That was taking all 3 XP upgrades as soon as I could. I’ve started playing again as the priest and have ignored those this time. If I finish this run at 12 (or above!) it would suggest those upgrades are totally pointless. The rest of the game is fine but this feels like a badly thought out addition - wouldn’t surprise me if this came late in development. They should’ve just gone with a Doom Eternal style weapon mod system - and allow you to switch mods on the fly.

Whatever the max is - expert? Boss 3 (the fish boss) and the last boss were the hardest challenges for me. The last boss by far - I was tempted to lower the difficulty a bit as it was feeling like success was just going to come due to chance rather than skill. Which it kinda did in the end.

Boss 3 was tough due to some slightly unobvious… ‘terrain mechanics’ which killed me a few times before I realised what I should’ve been doing/where I should’ve been going.

Outside of bosses there’s a level near the end where ammo becomes quite scarce indeed - no infinite ammo amulet on the journalist, though you can get stabby with a magic sword (which I kept forgetting to use).

I blitzed through as the priest in normal difficulty this afternoon in only a couple of hours (and finished at level 12 - hah!). I died once* that time through, but did notice that on top of just taking a lot less damage generally, the bosses were substantially easier as their attacks were way slower/easier to dodge. Something to keep in mind if you reach the end and find it a bit… rage inducing.

* Jumping sections! Grah!  (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻

I’d like this thread to go back harping on how wonderful Nightmare Reaper is. Talk about a game scratching every shooter itch I have at the moment. And the constant stream of creativity it effortlessly pours out. And talking about my level 1 pump action shotgun with random projectiles. With the random projectiles being the charged-alternate fire of a fireball book. Five globes of hot death spraying napalm everywhere. 1 ammo use. I feel young again.

The story’s a bit light-hearted for me, though.

I believe that’s Trogdor. Man, that really takes me back to the late 90s/early 2000s. I spent a long time watching that one guy reading emails.

Oh, just wow

That wiki is quite dry. Basically Strong Bad was a comedy bit. He would read “user emails” from his fans, and it was all pretty funny. Not big strong laughs, but lots of chuckles.

I am entering what I think is the final stretch of “chapter 2” in Nightmare Reaper (not that the game formally labels it as such). I’ve already done a restart because I wanted to do better collecting treasure, and because I wanted to head straight for the Keep Level 2 Weapons upgrade. The added benefit of doing this was I got dash and double jump earlier, which is quite useful.

Man I still stuck at finding secrets though.

So I went and bought Nightmare Reaper too - after all… why not virtually murder my entire way through an otherwise miserable/boring week - but I’m feeling kinda mixed about it. Perhaps I just need to suck up the FOMO and disable the minigames which I’m finding kinda distracting yet dull.

I got one of the coolest level 2 legendary guns I’ve had yet but was about 15K coins short of unlocking the ‘Keep level 2 weapons’ perk. So I was a very sad fox indeed when it got sold off at the end of that level.  (╥﹏╥)

I dunno what to make of the levels. I get that they’re procgen and technically impressive on that basis… but I’m finding them to feel a little cramped. Especially after experiencing some of the later Forgive me Father levels. Do they open up much as it progresses?

The biggest tipoff for me in finding these is that the destructible walls emit a draughty wind sound effect which is worth listening out for - once the screaming, explosions and banging tunes die down a bit, that is.