The Countdown is over! Dragon Age: Origins released (Spoiler Free Discussion)

The game is out today! Let the spoiler free discussion begin. It’s probably okay to have minor spoilers, though it’s best to mark them anyway, just to be safe.

Looking for earlier discussions of the game’s marketing leading up to the launch? There’s the Dragon Age Countdown thread.

Are you done with the game and looking for a place to discuss spoilers and see what other people thought of certain plot points? There’s the Dragon Age Spoiler Thread.

Looking for a place to discuss the differences between the console and PC versions of the game? There’s the Dragon Age: console or PC thread.

Looking for a place to discuss the tie in Dragon Age flash game on the web? There’s the Dragon Age Journeys thread.

Other useful links:
PDF Manual in multiple languages - link
Bioware Social Network thread - Link
Dragon Age: Origins Wiki - link
Dragon Age: Missing Manual - link
Pre-order guide chart - link

Is there a Dragon Age Backlash thread yet?

Not yet! But the Dragon Age Countdown thread includes huge sections of backlash against the game’s marketing campaign.

Is it too soon for the “There are too many DA threads!” thread or the “Let’s make this the DA forum!” thread? I wanna make sure I get in on that shit on the ground floor.

The “This is the new shit” video single-handedly convinced me to wait until this shows up on the bargain shelves before buying it.


EDIT: The hugely complicated matrix of “If you buy this edition this way, on this online service, while the phase of the moon is waxing gibbous, we’ll give you a free Ring of Dorkulus, but if you live south of the Tropic of Cancer we’ll give you the Wand of Wankosity instead!” helped me say “Fuck it, this is way too ridiculous to bother with,” also.

Great, and just when I needed a new Wand of Wankosity.


My solution was to just buy the damned game on sale (from the Best Buy buy-1-get-1-half-off sale) and not pay attention to getting an unnecessary in-game item.

The King is both hot and dumb. He’s not gonna last.

This is annoying. I have a boxed edition of the game, and I can’t install it. At random point during the process (~30%, 75%, and 90% so far), it fails with the message “a data error has occured”. Anyone else having this problem?

A knight of summer indeed. :)

He has sweet armor and sword though… Hopefully I’ll get to loot his corpse… :)

I’ve never enjoyed getting brutalized in combat so much, and I typically hate pause-heavy/turn-based RPGs. This is crazy fun though. I can’t imagine what a beating I’d take if I set it up to hard difficulty.

I preordered from Gamestop (the one near me always gets things reliably day one), and I got mad loot – memory ring, feral charm, blood armor. Ho ho hee ha! It is stupid, yet I am pleased!

Now I wish I’d made the time to dorkulate my character’s face properly with the character creator… which I did NOT do… oh well, no time like tonight… sorry Borderlands, the Short Attention Span Curse hath claimed me and I’m on to the New Shiny…

I was getting really annoyed by my character’s snark every time I went to loot something, enough so that I was thinking of rerolling. Luckily you can disable individual voice-over sets by renaming the appropriate files in the \Dragon Age\packages\core\audio\vo\en-us\vo\ directory. So, just a warning to choose your voice carefully, and what to do if you get sick of the repetition anyway.

What is the story with the auto-screenshot stuff? And where does it store them?

Um…so what’s with the super long arms and hands everyone has? Was this like some sorth of ancient wo/man that was a less distant relative of the ape? I’m confused as to how this strange anatomy fits into the fiction. If anyone can clear that up it would be great.

Well, they were in the obvious place. I am amused that almost every single auto-screenshot is of the back of my character’s head.

It was the Time of Great Crunch, and lo, the modelers were beside themselves. And one modeler, Kincaid the Black, went slightly and secretly mad. Yea, did he turn up the Wrist Length Slider by 1% each night, and yea, didst all the QA team and PM team and developers become so used to it that they didst not notice. So it is that Kincaid the Black hath spread his terrible Curse Of The Monkey bestride all the citizens of Ferelden, and suffer we must for his sins even unto the second or third sequel.

Here’s my character chatting up King Hottie.

I think his belt count is infringing on JRPG territory there.