The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance - Netflix, Skeksis, Muppets

I don’t know that I could say it’s a 100% movie for kids, there is a lot of gruesome and dark shit going down in this movie and it’s fairly graphic. From the Skeksis dying to the tortured pod people.

Netflix has been hitting it out of the goddamn park with original content announcements. Next they’ll be announcing a Corwin of Amber series.

I love LEGO stop motion so much I started a website about it that got international media attention and became a kind of public champion for TLG. Imagine my reaction when they went full CGI for the Chris Pratt movie. I did love the ending though.

But yeah. The way the spider crab solidiers looked, sounded but especially moved in the original was something magical. When I wad a kid, they were up there with Darth Vader for scary villains.

It’s not Netflix (probably), but I assume you know Robert Kirkman is working on an Amber adaption.

After a burst of news last summer, though, there has been nothing. So perhaps it stalled out.


Your comment makes sense to me.

Anyway I give you a different opinion:

Childrens tales use to be different. Littel Red Hood is a story about a girl that have is grandmother devour by a wolf, the herself, then extracted from the body of the wolf by a hunter with a axe. Thats fucking metal.

No way! That’s good news, though I’ve never heard of any of those people or the stuff they’ve worked on. Except Walking Dead, of course.

I don’t know if i should be stoked or hate this information. I guess I’ll be stoked and if it’s awful I’ll just be like, but yea, remember the original was actually good.

We all remember what actually happened to Jim Henson. ::queue Labyrinth scene with Kermit saying “you will bow down before me Son of God!!!” while floating off into infinity::

Oh man, that both brought back memories and looks good.

My partner has never seen The Dark Crystal, so in light of this trailer we watched it.

Boy is it a creepy film! I watched it whilst very young and have obviously repressed that side of the film.

I’m so happy this isn’t some CG-only extravaganza. But still scared.

This is a pretty beloved childhood movie of mine, much like Star Wars. The Star Wars prequels killed any passion I had for the franchise, and I’ll admit I’m sort of nervous the same might happen here. But what I’ve seen looks promising and I guess the buzz coming out from the people who went to the panel and saw the entire first episode is that it was pretty great. So I’m cautiously optimistic.

This is supposed to release today. Anyone have any insight?

Plan on watching it this weekend. Will stay out of thread to avoid spoilers. Excited!

Reviews seem pretty positive so far.

BTW, I’m late to the party on this, but regarding CGI and Jim Henson and The Dark Crystal:

(Full disclosure: Brian and I lived in the same subdivision in junior high and rode the same school bus and we both had Ms. Bacon for Algebra and Mrs. Young for English Composition our freshman year…)

This shit is craaaaaazy, yo. It’s like you are stepping right back into that world again. Giant awesome puppets, the sets, the special effects, top notch.

The story is a bit rambling so far, only 30 minutes in the first episode. They really nailed the tone though. It’s totally a muppet show!

Me going in: Obviously if they’re using some CGI this time, they’ll fix those uncanny-valley Gelfling faces so they don’t look like they’ve had 500 Botox injections. And then we won’t be haunted by the lingering terror of those stiff, bloated faces in our dreams like we were back in the day.

Me while watching: AAAAAAAHHHHHH!

Other than that (and the interminable first 5 minutes of dull exposition about The Entire History of the World - why is this a trope of fantasy when it almost never works and usually starts things off with a thud?) the first episode was pretty good and the production design was, as expected, fantastic. Though to my surprise I liked the first episode of Carnival Row better.