The decline of Facebook and the chilling effect of social media

I’m not sure you could be more evasive and contrarian if you tried. You’re like a little kid.

I can reword it, if that would help. But the idea that I was seriously calling NBC a terrorist organization is so far off base that I’m not sure where to start.

The point is that, if we conceptualize fake news and propaganda as an “attack” on our country, we have to drill down why we care so much more when it comes from Russia as opposed to, say, any number of interests domestically that have similar goals of destabilization and profit that harm the country on an even greater scale. Some of them are political, some are not.

We also have to figure out what we could do about it, because of a pesky amendment we have that permits people to say dumb and highly misleading (even, in some cases, false) things without fear of retribution. My contention is that, rather than treat all misinformation as an act of war – which, if extended logically to domestic circles, causes a lot of undemocratic concerns – we treat it by ignoring its sources and pressuring private websites that spread the misinformation (like Facebook) to enact their own protections, since they are not government actors. Anyone have better ideas? It’s a problem, but we can’t solve it without solutions.

Spinning it won’t help.

You are assisting a hostile foreign power in it’s goal of harming America.

That is all that matters.

How exactly am I doing that? ?? I don’t think I’ve addressed that, because it’s a weirdly personal attack, but I dispute it.

We already covered it.

I’m not interested in a detailed discussion with you about it.

You are harming America. The end.



And there is the victim card, as always.

Dude, my post literally calls it “crazy rhetoric.”

If you can’t see that the point of this post is to mock over-the-top rhetoric about social media disinformation, like the kind we see in this thread, that’s really a bad sign for your reading comprehension.

Here is the problem, gman. You reveal yourself so easily. You are not a truth seeker, or curious about how things work, or a critical thinker at all. You are trying to pick apart any argument and trying to devaluate whole groups of people and thought by picking contrarian, ridiculous positions.

Then you try to back off them when you get called on them again and again and again. The game is up. You are a charlatan and a and shill. Try really thinking about these issues for a change, and study some history.

It sure looks like I just called out a fool who maliciously personally attacked me because he can’t read, but sure, you do you.

No. It looks like you’re playing semantics games and when caught play your victim card, insult people and then you claim victory.

You know. Like every single thing you always do every fucking time and why there was an agreement you wouldn’t come into this subforum because like a hamster you’re too mindless to even stop.

It wasn’t an “agreement,” I offered it because of precisely the kind of behavior you engage in : constant personal insults, while all the while you claim I’m the one who somehow isn’t here for serious discussion. And yes, you very badly misread my post. It was embarrassing, but we can move on.

Oh so now there was never an agreement.

I guess we all imagined it.

You misinterpreted it, which seems to be something you do often. Slow down. Recognize that just because someone is arguing that social media disinformation from international actors may potentially be less of an assault on democracy than the campaigns by some domestic sources, that doesn’t mean you need to misrepresent their views or personally attack them.

Can you confirm which right wing extremist organization you are a paid writer for? I think everyone here has a right to know just what you are.

Or are you too afraid to admit it?

You are so creepy it’s getting cringey.

I’m sorry you are a coward.

I’m sorry you’re a delusional California liberal who can’t tolerate disagreement without resorting to bullying and intimidation tactics. What do you weigh? You seem to follow me around so much. Go out more.

This is exactly the kind of cowardice I’d expect from a far right shill. I guess it’s too much to ask for someone to stand behind their public, published paid writing work.

You should be proud of your work, not so ashamed of it that you let your shame turn you into a coward.

THE ARGUMENT LITERALLY MAKES NO SENSE! If I am a paid right wing extremist, and am putting my name on it, how is that cowardice? What!?!?

PS If you weigh a lot, I recently lost a lot of weight with a great routine. PM for tips if you want.

@gman1225 if I had the ability, I’d happily nuke Facebook and Twitter from orbit and throw Zuckerburg in jail. But I don’t. And something else would just replace them.

The state of our media is deplorable, in large part because of the internet. So many outlets care more about being first than being truthful, and as traditional revenue sources dry up, they become more desperate. It’s a terrible situation, but I wouldn’t call them terrorists so much as I’d call them wildly irresponsible.

But the larger problem is our educational system is in shambles. Nothing matters anymore except regurgitating information on standardized tests. People are no longer taught to think critically and to reason. The social media stuff is the symptom, but this is the actual disease.