The decline to moral bankruptcy of the GOP

Wait, wait, didn’t we just officially establish yesterday that he doesn’t have a fat ass?

This is your pee tape public service announcement.

Widespread confusion and titillation on the Internet notwithstanding, the alleged pee tape does not allegedly show Russian hookers peeing on Trump. Instead, it allegedly shows Russian hookers that Trump paid for peeing on a Moscow hotel bed Obama once slept it.

Regardless of what it shows, or whether it even exists, the pee tape has never been a major reason people conducting actual investigations are interested in the Steele dossier. Instead they’re concerned with the allegations that, you know, Trump collaborates with Putin and does his bidding.

This concludes your pee tape public service announcement.

“What are we supposed to do with this new one?!”

I know. But until evidence is provided, I’m leaning toward full on watersports gala.

If 'grab ‘em by the pussy’ didn’t, I doubt this would have.

His ‘base’ would have loved it (he’s so Alpha! he’s so not a cuck!) and everyone else would have held their noses because Killary.

Trump having an affair with a porn star would’ve stopped exactly 0 of his supporters from voting for him. I said it before, if the payoff story is true, then Trump wasted his money. He could’ve kept his cash and won anyway.

but the most important question is what does Melania think of him having sex with the pornstar?

I assume the same she thinks of everything apart from chilling in New York on piles of money.

So this is how Trump intends to deal with criminal immigrants. They can work in the White House!

I for one, welcome our new taco truck overlords.

Tucker needs to go #2 before he goes on the air.

He really sucks as a negotiator. As the Onion story point out if he was really a good negotiator she would paying him. Just thinking that she had sex with Trump voluntarily is a complete turn off for me, sorry Stormy. Hell the Trump brand practically demands that he brag about banging her, with extra points if does while Melania is present.

Gosh, not racist at all. Who knew America’s borders were based on ethnicity and so flexible?

Also, are they aware Arizona was part of Mexico to begin with?

I mean, even the Romans didn’t ethnic-cleanse the people in the provinces they conquered.

With the sell out of Lindsay Graham, it seems like the last decent elected Republican are from the state of Arizona and likely neither will last the year.


How morally bankrupt is the GOP? So much so that when the second most senior member of the House Ethics Committee is removed for using taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim against him, we don’t even notice. Because we’re too busy talking about the Republicans using sick kids as hostages or the president paying off a porn star to stay quiet about boffing him.

The Pat Meehan stuff is amazing. That guy is gone within a week I’d say.