The decline to moral bankruptcy of the GOP

I’m pretty sure that he either learned it from Trump, or just got better at it then.

No he learned from his own dad. A dad who went to prison for tax fraud and tried to blackmail his sister and brother-in-law because they were cooperating witnesses.

Oh yeah, there’s that.

Because of course he did.

Are the Trump kids into whaling? If so, I guess we know what will be legalized next.

Trump, literally murdering the symbol of the GOP at this point.

That’d be pretty funny if it wasn’t so depressing. The elephant aspect, not the GOP - screw them at this point.

His son is a big game hunter IIRC.

I feel like the lesson to be learned here is that if the Democrats are able to, make all of these things laws instead of executive orders.

Obviously this would only have been possible in the first 2 years of the Obama Whitehouse, and no one would realize how far the GOP would sink in the end.

Hopefully, the Democrats have the ready in place legislation they can start rolling out ASAP in case they do get majorities in the house and the senate.

I would like to believe this but I have exactly zero confidence that they have anything ready at all.

As recently as 2016, the vast majority of the GOP would never support such an absurd position.

It demonstrates how utterly without principles these people actually are. There is nothing of value there. They have abandoned everything to worship the golden calf.

I am curios what the percentage of people will still identify as Republicans after the next election? Are we talking about a smaller but more extreme minority in the future.

We have been since 2008.

At the moment 23% of voters identify as Republicans, the lowest it’s been since the immediate post-Watergate era. (The very lowest level was 21%, in 1977, and 1979. Give Trump another six months and he’ll break that record.)

Keep this in whenever you see an article that says, “Most Republicans still support Trump” or whatever. Fewer than one in four voters is actually a Republican.

It was 21% in 1979, and Reagan managed to get elected President the following year.

Very true, and something everyone needs to remember before they get complacent about demographics doing the hard work of taking the country back all by itself.

On the other hand, there’s no sign of a new Reagan on the horizon. When Nixon resigned, Reagan was ready to step in as a major party leader. He was already well-known, already had a political track record of governor of the biggest state in the nation, had already fired up the party’s base, and was expert at buttering voters from outside the base as well. There’s no one like that waiting in the wings of the Republican party today.

Romney is damaged goods and the base hates him (his father George had exactly the same problems); Kaisich occupies a theoretical middle ground that turns out to have no actual voters in it; everybody hates Ted Cruz, etc. etc. Plus, of course, a bunch of the usual Republican suspects have been soaking in Trump, and they won’t be able to wash the stink off in time. (I’m looking at you, Paul Ryan.)

Trump was supposed to be the new Reagan: the widely-known celebrity who sells conservatism to a new generation with his appealing image. That isn’t working out so well.

It probably works better if the person is a conservative :)

Also Carter completely and utterly shit the bed on a level basically unseen since Hoover.

And well spoken. And patriotic.

That data is from 2014. More recent data points a different picture.

The GOP is actually at 28%, while Democrats are at 27%.

This is a good reason why the answer to Trump is not folks like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

Carter did a lot compared to many one term presidents, but he got a bad rap cause of the crap economy and the iran hostage situation. Here’s a list of things carter did that were significant:

  1. Created the department of education
  2. Created the department of energy
  3. SALT 2
  4. Camp David accords
  5. pardoned vietnam draft dodgers
  6. established diplomatic relations with china
  7. attempted comprehensive medical reform

Trump and Bush mostly have succeded in bankrupting the country and pillaging it for the rich. I’d take another Carter any day over either of them.

And he’s been the best former president so far, ever.