The decline to moral bankruptcy of the GOP

Ah, the Trump defense.

Well, yeah.

Bad news for anyone hoping the whole south will just secede again, several states like ours updated their constitutions after the last unpleasantness…

Damn it! I was already working on my Bye Felicia memes for the Carolinas.

Hey! Don’t go lumping us in the Upper Carolina together with that other one!

I love stories like that were they don’t give the guys name but they give enough details so that if you wanted to find out who it was you could. So why not just use it. You think the guy is cool with all the hints as longs as you just don’t say his name.?

It’s Peter King, I’m pretty sure.

It’s what I thought when I read it, and since then, apparently others on the internet came to the same conclusion… they put more investigative effort into it to “prove” it, whereas I was just like, “That sounds like Peter King.”

Apparently this is a pissing contest that is mostly focused on anal sex, with the current law deemed unconstitutional and less about the bestiality part. The sodomy laws here are pretty ridiculous.

To most Republicans, aren’t those two things one and the same, at least issue/voting-wise?

I guess that depends on if we’re talking about what they say vs. what they do, you know, like family values claims they hold when a mic and video camera is present but not any other time.

I have to say this season of the Mercer vs Koch Survivor reality show is not my favorite.

Yup. Reading that, it seems like the 10 GOP dissenting votes were less about “but we love having sex with animals!” and more about “but we love that The Gay Sex is still illegal here!”. The new law makes the former a crime, while stipulating the later is not.

Even odds that one of those 10 dissenting senators will be very glad the law passed sometime in the next 6 months when they’re discovered in a hotel room in the French Quarter in a compromising position…

Keep big government out of the stables and pens.

1 in 10 ultra conservatives quoting only the parts of the Bible all of them use for snippets on media and hate everyone talking points secretly having anal sex somewhere, your odds look right to me.

So there IS a price to being an amoral scumbag trying to leech off of Trump’s celebrity.

Good! Fuck 'em in the ear. Fuck 'em in the other ear.