The decline to moral bankruptcy of the GOP

Welcome, brother.

I look forward to awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact with you at the honorary Ryan Graveshitting someday

At some point in the recent past, McCain called Rand owned by Putin.

Republicans have been broken for a long time.

How the Right-Wing Convinces Itself That Liberals Are Evil

This did not begin with Donald Trump. The modern Republican Party may be particularly apt to push conspiracy theories to rationalize its complicity with a staggeringly corrupt administration, but this is an extension of, not a break from, a much longer history. Since its very beginning, in the 1950s, members of the modern conservative movement have justified bad behavior by convincing themselves that the other side is worse. One of the binding agents holding the conservative coalition together over the course of the past half century has been an opposition to liberalism, socialism, and global communism built on the suspicion, sometimes made explicit, that there’s no real difference among them.

And this observation on Republican support for McCarthy sounds eerily similar to current GOP support of trump:

Although popularly remembered today as a drunken punch line discredited by crusading journalists like Edward R. Murrow in the 1950s, McCarthy is actually an important figure in the development of American conservatism. Almost every major conservative journalist and politician in the 1950s defended him. Senator Barry Goldwater voted against McCarthy’s censure in 1954. Conservative radio pundit Fulton Lewis defended McCarthyism in his broadcasts even after the senator’s death. William F. Buckley was no exception: he went to the bat for McCarthy in the 1954 book McCarthy and His Enemies. Buckley applauded McCarthy for recognizing that “coercive measures” were necessary to enforce a new anticommunist “conformity.” While Buckley—unlike many of his peers—did distinguish between “the Liberals” and “the Communists,” he suggested that “atheistic, soft-headed, anti-anti-Communist liberals” were ultimately little better than communists, and by far a greater danger to American democracy than any supposed excesses of McCarthyism.

So people were talking about Sacha Baron Cohen. The preview trailer is quite something (even if you don’t find it funny).

Wow. That story sounds a lot like that guy straight-up murdered his mother and sister and somehow got away with it.

So, the outrage about Trump cowering to Russia lasted 24 hours, and now the GOP thinks it’s fine.


Interesting poll:

Well just wait until Hannity and Fox and Friends start talking about how corruption is good. It is even better than greed.

“What liberals call corruption is actually the highest levels of freedom and American Exceptionalism…”

No, American exceptionalism is bad now. We’re just as bad as everyone.

Oh right. I forgot, America is the same as the Soviet Union and probably Nazi Germany.

And of course this tweet from a pedo-enabler speaks for itself:

In re Steve King and The Gateway Pundit:

Yes, that’s perpetually-almost-a-blue-state Arizona. Glad I left that place.

More crap from the GOP.